Sacarios masacran a cinco jovens que acampaban en finca

Acquaintances of people living this month on the avenues of the five young students, three men and women, between 17 and 18 years old, who were cared for at the end of the week would be found in a finch in the Buga community, in the suroeste of Colombia.

“Veces in Colombia’s vuelve cultura estos hechos de violencia y lo que queremos nosotros con esto es que en la historique memo esto né defallezca porque son jóvenes y niños”, dijo hoy a Efe el que fue su rector en el Liceo de Los Andes , Robinson Lizcano Echeverry.

The victims were Juan Pablo Marín Pérez, Nicolás Suárez Valencia, Sara María Rodríguez García, Valentina Arias and Jacobo Pérez, who were found in a window in the veranda (aldea) of Cerro Rico, near the urban hull of Buga, when the three de madrugada de este domingo llegaron cuatro hombres armados, timbraron a la puerta y los mataron a tiros.

Four of them mourned in the act and Jacobo Pérez was transferred to an assistance center where the house was mourned. The attackers also hired the mayor of Finca, Ramiro Martínez, from 60 years, and another minor from 17 years, Santiago Tascón.

At the moment, the motives of the matanza and the first hypothesis of the Fiscalia have been discussed, as it seems to have the intention of securing the property of the finca, which is an engineer.

“It’s because I’ll not be able to find out who this person thinks he is and he will take care of the thirties’ mischief,” said the secretary of Security of Cali, Carlos Alberto Rojas, to Noticias Uno.

En Buga, located in the department of the Valle del Cauca, reina the indignation and the sadness and the Alcaldía decree three days of luto official means that families and friends hicieron misses and homages to the victims.

Carrera por delante

The five young men were friends with the child, they went to college and stayed in Finland, owned by Jacobo’s father, to be sent to Juan Pablo, who had to go to Medellín to study, according to local media.

In the videos that are published this night on social media, the podium is seen, fixed, meanwhile floaters float and play to launch fichas a la rana.

“Nicolás, Jacobo, Juan Pablo, Sara y Valentina eran jovenes con sueños, con disposion de trabajo… Eran jovven que que stududiab, se esforzaban, con profesionales que todos los días trataban de hacer patria para sa hij hiju tuvieran la mejor , recorded by Lizcano.

Two of them, Nicolás and Jacobo, are sportsmen and represent the college and the municipality in competitions and leagues of hockey on skates; Valentina, the only minor, is graduating with a bachelor’s degree and Sara is starting her second semester of veterinary medicine.

Nicolás, who completed 18 years of age, wanted to start a study program in Australia to become a mechanical engineer at the university, and Jacobo of an exchange in Canada, and ten years ago he started the first semester of civil engineering, as well as your father.

The companions of Jacobo’s hockey team will receive their high heels in Buga Cathedral, with the sportswear, sticks in the alt and the miracle of the soles, in homage to his friends.

Against the resignation

“I believe that in Colombia he has maintained the imposition that he has a term that is used as the resignation, but we can not follow the resignation,” said Lizcano, in memory of the young women.

It was the sixth massacre to be committed in Colombia, according to the NGO Institute of Studies for the Development of the Peace (Indepaz).

“It is the sixth massacre and we have not won the first month (of 2021)”, denounced the President of Indepaz, Camilo González Posso, who considered that it was an alarm situation that he called the UN Council Gobierno que tome medidas extraordinaarias ”.

The High Commissioner of the UN for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, denounced the passing of December 15 that killed hundreds of people in Colombia in the form of mass assassinations, which is the case in particular of social issues. and exguerrilleros.
