Russia sends more than 20 black war bucks and access blocks

Moscow, Russia.

More weight war bucks and mid centenar de Russian planes participate hoy en maniobras fleet In the mar neger, scenario of varying weeks of an escalation between Quarrel and the vecina Ukraine.

Following a communication defunct by the Black Sea Fleet, in participatory participations kazas Su-25SM3 and the forces of the Anti-Air Defense System of the Military Sur Sur.

La Flota del Mar neger signal that in the market of regular maneuvers were carried to Crimea, Ukrainian peninsula illegally annexed by Russia in 2014, a total of 50 pilots.

Loose bucks and planes participants in the ownercizios realized practice “for repulsive and opaque del enemy virtual by active radioelectronic interference “.

Everything is “an altar extremely bad y af meteorological conditions adversas “, aggregate.

According to official information, Quarrel limited between April 20 and 24 vuelos about Crimea and the Black Sea and declared this zone “peligrosa para la air navigation “.

Además, Moscow announcement that the 24th of April is limited to the 31st of October the navigation of war bucks extranjeros en aguas territoriales rusas del but negro.

The Ministry of Exteriors specifies that this medium only applies to the war bucks and does not affect anything marina mercante which atraviese the Kerch stretch.

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Serguéi Riabkov, signaled that this type of restriction in zones should be avoided. naval maneuvers “is a common international practice”.

“We are taking a very strict approach to multilateral agreements and any other agreement signed by Russia “, aseveró.

La OTAN considered the past viernes “unjustified” the intention of Quarrel to close various sectors of Mar neger for delivering military maneuvers, considered as part of “a larger cartridge of destabilizing behavior” in the region.

Vea: Russia displays its barracks of war in the Black Sea ahead of the euu

Ukraine has accused the Mosque of provocationr una tension escalator in the zone, in particular in the Donbás, to increase incessantly in the last weeks of his presence military in the front between lands.

Kiev calcula, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski’s official, has one 80,000 Russian soldiers in the front with Ukraine y of Crimea.

I accidentally happened upon Russia which was a front of the front with Ukraine before the time when the escalation escalated into an open conflict in the Donbas. EFE
