Russia laments EEUU’s launch of a public dialogue between Biden and Putin

Moscow, Russia.

Russia lamented this month negative of United States to hold a public dialogue between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, at the initiative of the Russian president, through his verbal speech last week.

“It’s another opportunity to redress the situation in the Russian-state relations that exist at the behest of Washington,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement.

Vladimir Poetin proposed to his homologue a public video conference conference to discuss his different numbers.

According to Russian diplomacy, “Putin’s part of the government does not support Putin’s proposal, which he seeks to address” the bilateral issues he has accumulated and the question of strategic stability. “

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The Russian president launched this idea the Jews tras an exchange of declarations among both, in which Biden emphatically calling Poetin “assesino” and this answer “is what he says he is”.

Through Biden’s statements, Moscow referred to his ambassador Anatoly Antónov in Washington. The Kremlin also announced the Monday multiplication of sanctions Russia opposes Washington’s adoption of new sanctions last week.

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“The decision to sanction our adversaries, especially in the United States, is becoming more and more important,” Dmitri Peskov, president of the Russian presidency, said at a press conference.

From his visit to the White House in January, Biden showed off a large company the Kremlin, in contrast to its predecessor Donald Trump.
