Russia expels three-country diplomats to unite in protest in favor of Navalny

(CNN) – Russia has expelled three diplomats — from the embassies of Germany, Sweden and Poland — by participating in “illegal demonstrations,” according to a statement issued by Russia’s Foreign Ministry.

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The leaders of the foreign missions summoned to the Ministry will present a protest in connection with the “registered participation of diplomatic officers of the General Councils of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Poland in San Petersburg and the Embassy of the Republic of San Francisco” Moscow »in illegal demonstrations on January 23, 2021, closed as a large protest took place in Moscow in support of the Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny.

Russia calls “unacceptable” the most recent participation of diplomats in the Navalny protests and said it did not correspond to its diplomatic condition. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is alarmed that “diplomats participating in illegal actions have been declared unprofitable and have ordered the abandonment of the territory of the country”.

– With information from Mary Ilyushina in Moscow and Jonny Hallam from CNN.
