Russia, China and other parts of the peer ciberataque al sistema de seguridad estadounidense

The cyberattack was carried out by Russian hackers between March and October, but has now been announced by state security.  REUTERS / Alessandro Bianchi / File Photo
The cyberattack was carried out by Russian hackers between March and October, but has now been announced by state security. REUTERS / Alessandro Bianchi / File Photo

In 1864, the diplomat and Russian poet Fiodor Tyutchev writes that “Russia’s unique political unit has long been looking for an alliance with its potential Western powers its division and division”. Of these, Soviet and Russian hymns will be read to this council. A sail and mediocre, United States todavia is suffering with the sequels of Russia’s intentions amplify and benefit from the divisions within the state society during the 2016 presidential election campaign. As a result of this interference, which Moscow repeated in mid-term in the 2020 campaign, Russia converts to a toxic element of stadium politics.

The Chinese hackers are on the same level and are making permanent incursions. The ultimate conocida is the la interference of the informational speeches of various private and state laboratories in which there are unrolling vacancies against the coronavirus. China has dedicated tens of miles of Ejército Rojo soldiers to these areas. The Russian security device has 100,000 hackers of a very high level that forms part of its “cyber warfare” that at the same time is dedicated to obtaining industrial secrets. Obviously, United States also has its own proprietary programmers which are constantly searching to penetrate the computer systems of its rivals. And many other lands are also covered with these resources. The difference with the Kremlin’s objective is that, in addition to intending to seek military and industrial confidential information, seek to reduce the confidence of the states in its democracy and magnify the dramatic polarization of society.

In 2016, the most significant consistency in hacking hacked the high-altitude e-mail accounts of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, gaining access to a variety of information servers relevant to the National Democratic Committee and proportioning the contents. WikiLeaks, which the public houses. The Kremlin also approved the anonymous offer by social media backing Russian agents in order to reach out to stadiums and Diffuse information that will help Moscow’s favorite candidate, Donald Trump. The Russian cybernetic tools are used to penetrate more difficult objects, including voter register data bases and speeches used by state and local governments.

The headquarters of the hacked company, SolarWinds, in the afueras of Austin, Texas.  REUTERS / Sergio Flores
The headquarters of the hacked company, SolarWinds, in the afueras of Austin, Texas. REUTERS / Sergio Flores

By supuesto, Vladimir Putin’s governor does not claim to have anything to do with these actions. With regard to the intelligence agencies of the United States, the Special Investigation of Robert Mueller and the Independent Investigation of the Senate Intelligence Committee, it will be clear that in all cases the computer pirates estaban connected to the Russian intelligence services, in particular to the military intelligence agency known as GRU, and its elite body, the SVR.

The last episode was announced last week when the company SolarWinds, which manages the Red Orion with 300,000 customers worldwide, including the stadium operation, the Pentagon, the Department of State, Commerce, Treasury and Casa Blanca, recognizing that it has a virtual attack. The company indicates that updates to its system have been compromised due to a malicious code “extremely sophisticated”. It was announced that the hecho will be produced between March and June of this year, and that it is possible that 18 000 of its customers result in affected. The IT security company Fire Eye, of Silicon Valley, also compromised. The Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, officially signaled to Moscow as head of the massive cyberattack. Pompeo asseguró que It is “quite clear” that Russia is recovering from the attack that the officials of the Department of Cyber ​​Security of the Department of National Security classified in a statement of “a grave danger to the federal governor”.

“We are just deconstructing exactly what is being done,” said the head of state diplomacy in a radial interview. “Fue a significant effort, and believe that now we can say quite clearly that fueron los rusos quienes realizaron esa actividad”. The state official’s post has been that one hour later the president Donald Trump’s outcry with one of his habitats will be posted by Twitter to discuss the discourse of the State Department, minimize the consequences, and pursue action in China. “The hack is very much a mayor in the media of the false news that in reality. He gives a complete information everything is in good control. Russia, Russia, Russia is the top priority when it comes to what the media, mainly for financial reasons, are petrified of the possibility of being China (¡Puede ser!). También pudieron haber sido atastadest nuestras ridículas machine vote durante les elections, que ahora es obvio que gané, convertiendolo en ungen vergüenza aún más corrupt para Estados Unidos ”.

The magnitude of the information robe recorded in Washington's main government offices is unknown.
The magnitude of the information robe recorded in Washington’s main government offices is unknown.

Well, there are so many serious things that Trump says, less than a month from the White House, he is the president of the most powerful power of the Tierra and some signal that he has this weight. Tell me what I found The security of the most sensitive IT systems in the United States is very limited., that Russia and China are maintaining a permanent bombing against their systems has been to bring down the breach by introducing them and that Trump insistently insists on taking responsibility for Russia.

The IT pirates compromise the systems of, among other organisms, the Pentagon, the nuclear laboratories, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of State, the National Security, the Energy, the Commerce and the Treasury. It is not clear exactly what he was looking for, but he understood that it was information on armaments, research on the vehicles of the covid-19 or “carpets” on political and business leaders. The exceptional operation of the operation is 18,000 organizational results for infections and a new meses with a kódigo malicioso introduction and updating the software of the administration of the redevelopment, providing a company in Texas. The experts assure that tend to work various steps to definitely expel the hackers of the systems. The theory is that the Russians will find the way to enter the “summit office” software, that they have an amplio access to the range of systems that operate in the United States.

President Donald Trump has been blamed for the information leaked to State Secretary Mike Pompeo about the hack.  LEIGH VOGEL ZUMA PERS.
President Donald Trump has been blamed for the information leaked to State Secretary Mike Pompeo about the hack. LEIGH VOGEL ZUMA PERS.

The Democratic leaders of the four committees of the Congress that receive confidential information about the cybercrime publish a communication in which the governing body “It will be a great response to share the complete impact of the attack and the identity of the victims”. The classified information that the proportions, aseguran, the day “with more questions than answers”. The election of the President, Joe Biden, is adelantó que su Administración impondrá “cost costs” a loose responsibility. “We will not permanently move the cyberattacks to our nation,” he said. Biden tends to play with the apenas theme asuma. Russia’s arms talks are under way to reduce armaments and cyberattacks. Michael Sulmeyer, assessor of the Cybernetic Command, says yes to New York Times que, “United States lives in the most virtuoso of the crystal houses. Depends more than ever on the nation of fragile computer science spokesmen for the governing and economic functions, converting into a white blend specifically for short-term attacks like the one executed by the Kremlin ”.

President Trump’s unexplained retaliation for Russia complicates the response, say investigators. Aseguran que el gobierno recién se enteró del pirateo cuando la empresa de ciberseguridad Fire Eye informs publicly that its systems are violet. The President of Microsoft, Brad Smith, dijo que las propias agencias gubernamentales afectadas estan pidiendo ayuda a su empresa porque no saben the verdadera extension of the attack. The situation is even more complicated because in Washington at the moment there is an enormous amount of staff who are more concerned with finding work to do next than to follow up with their tariffs on the governor. President Trump’s Proposition there is a lot of demand for its bonds since being killed in the elections. As far as the Republican administration is concerned, as soon as it is published, the Russians will be able to evade the defenses that alert the agencies of extraterrestrial intrusions to the millions of dollars that will be spent in the last four years. So now Biden will respond.

In line with Microsoft’s preliminary evaluation, hackers rushed into cybersecurity’s private companies. Get access to the SolarWinds software updates -imilar to the updates that many phone manufacturers introduce in the cell phones while loading during the night- posting to the little ones changing in the code is not notarized. To compromise on updates, get access to 18,000 government agencies and companies. From all plantar “puertas desalida” in the speeches of a 40 companies, government agencies and think tanks, according to Microsoft, that permits will come and go, rob data and – even if it does not happen to have done so – alter dates or carry out destructive attacks.

But for the United States, plant the theme as a “war arena” and take direct retaliation against Moscow will not be easy for the new administration. The United States maintains its own espionage missions with the mission of the summit of Iran’s nuclear centrifugors and the North Korean Missile Program, among many others. “The governing body has no basis in principle for Russia’s piracy, and much less for retaliation with the military, yes. el gobierno estadounidense hackea redes de gobiernos extranjeros a gran escala todos los días”, Le dijo a la cadena CNBC, Jack Goldsmith, a professor at Harvard University’s Faculty.

Biden will hold direct talks with Putin after one of the failed attempts to rename the New START, the nuclear arm control agreement that expires on February 5. The President electo and announced that is in favor of a clean renovation of the accord, which can be extended five years without having to go to Senado for its approval. But at the same time, the mayor will take over the information attack that is likely to continue and the final whistle will be blown.


Tras el ciberataque contra Estados Unidos, kritikus van die Kremlin en Joe Biden en afirmó que “las relaciones con Washington van de mal en peor”
