Russia celebrates United States proposal to increase nuclear deal

Moscow, Russia – The Kremlin welcomes the celebrations on the proposal of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, for increase in five years the ultimate nuclear weapons control treaty existing between the two nations, which is expected to expire in less than two weeks.

Russia is in favor of extending the agreement and is hoping to see the details of the state proposal, said Dmitry Peskov, President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

The Casa Blanca announced the bids that Biden had proposed to Moscow in five years before the new START deal.

“Only we can celebrate the voluntary policy to extend the document”, said Peskov at a conference call with reporters. “But everything depends on the details of the proposal”.

The pact, signed in 2010 by President Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, has a maximum amount of 1,550 nuclear weapons, and 700 missiles and bombings, and the contemplation of inspections on the ground to verify its compliance. Vence the 5th of February.

Russia is proposing to extend the treaty without change, but President Donald Trump’s governor has hoped he will take steps to initiate talks and conditional on a series of demands. The dialogue is ongoing and the months of negotiations will not reduce the differences.

“If we have certain conditions for amplification, and some of them are totally unacceptable to us, then we will be the first to offer United States,” said Peskov.

Mikhail Ulyanov, the Russian ambassador ahead of the international organizations in Vienna, also praised the Biden qualifying proposal for “step by step”.

“The amplification will take place in the most time-consuming parts in order to consider possible additional media destined to promote strategic stability and global security,” he said.

The election of During the campaign, Biden indicates that it is in favor of maintaining the New START, which is negotiating during its stage as Vice President of the United States.

The dialogue to amplify the treatment will also be felt in the tensions between Moscow and Washington, fueled by the crisis in Ukraine and the intrusion of Moscow into the 2016 presidential presidencies, among other factors.
