Russia announces the unveiling of a car carrying six seats


16 April 2021 22:04 GMT

The vehicle will be propelled by cyclic pass rotors and its vents will have a fast change of the vector vector in 360º, a low level of redness and a compact size.

The Foundation for Advanced Studies of Russia, an analogue of the DARPA of EE.U., has launched the Tsiklokar development, an aeromobile innovator proposed by rotors designed to transport six people.

The work was conducted at the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Rama of the Academy of Scientists of Russia. According to RIA Novosti, it has carried out tests in the field of its propulsion unit and a prototype with a scale of less than 60 kilograms realized on its first flight.

The full scale flight prototype is planned for 2022. The air vehicle will carry 600 kilograms of cargo and transport up to six people.

The Tsiclokar runs 6.2 meters long and 6 meters long and can increase a maximum speed of 250 kilometers per hour. Its range of wheels is 500 kilometers.

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“In addition to its compact dimensions, in comparison with helicopters, a distinctive feature of the device is its ability to reach an inclined surface of up to 30º and station in vertical surfaces”, the foundation said in a statement.

The propulsion plant of the vehicle is based on a rotary piston engine powered by gasoline, while one more potent version will be compared to a hybrid energy plant based on a turbocharged engine.

The Tsiklokar is an airplane that is supported in the air and moves gracefully to rotors (helices) of the cyclic step. Among the main winds of this type of helix is ​​a fast-moving control of its 360-degree vector of motion, a low level of compactness and compactness, explains the project leader, Yan Chíbisov.

The experts at the Novosibirsk Institute of Thermophysics and its Krasnoyarsk Department of Technology ensure that the technology he developed will pilot a Tsiklokar no more difficult than a conventional car.
