Russell Wilson was not in favor of Brian Schottenheimer’s dismissal

Minnesota Vikings vs. Seattle Seahawks

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The Seahawks on Tuesday fired offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer. Russell Wilson made it clear on Thursday that he is only the quarterback and would have preferred to return Schottenheimer.

‘I get a decent amount, but coach [Pete Carroll] make those decisions, ”Wilson said via Gregg Bell of The News Tribune.

Wilson said no twice when asked if he was in favor of leaving Schottenheimer after three seasons. The team cites ‘philosophical differences’ as the reason for the shooting.

“I think it was not my decision to change ‘Schotty,'” Wilson said. “But I think the coach, Carroll, made the decision. I think I trust his decision. But at the same time, Schotty and I were. of course so close.I mean, he’s going to be a great coach somewhere else.

‘But what I’m in favor of is that our football team is getting better. If you ask me what’s really important, it’s winning championships. This is what I’m in favor of. I think what’s really critical is whatever decision – whether it’s the offensive coordinator or the guys we sign or draft every season for every decision, the off – season, everything else – the philosophy, the most important thing is that it’s about this winning process goes on, and everything we do makes sure we do it. This is what I always have a favor for. So Carroll decided it was time for a change. Listen, he’s been doing this for much longer than I have. You must therefore rely on his decision. ‘

However, Wilson wants to say who will appoint the Seahawks to replace Schottenheimer.

“I think it’s very important,” Wilson said. ‘I think coach Carroll and I should be on the same wavelength. We’ve been able to talk for the past three days, Carroll and I, about a lot of different things and all the other things and really try to figure out ‘OK, do you know how far we can go? Where are we going? What is the plan? ‘and all that stuff. And so I think it’s a lot for me and the coach to hopefully be able to work with the next person’s thought process, and really that person to be able to influence this football team, this organization, a good coach. for us and help to be a part of guiding us to the Promised Land. ‘

The Seahawks averaged 34.3 points per game in the first eight games. They averaged 22.8 points the rest of the season.

After being an MVP candidate for the first half of the season, he averaged 223.5 yards per game and threw in 16 touchdowns and eight interceptions in the last ten games, including the loss of game card.
