Russell Crowe defends his 2003 film master and commander

Photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP via Getty Images

While Vulture himself considered the years 2003 Master and Commander: The Farthest Side of the World “He is a spectacular and intimate, exciting and introspective”, and praised the main character, Russell Crowe, for “his effortless authenticity and his moving charisma”, just this past August. If you count among the audience members who switch halfway to something else MasterWith the first act, Russell Crowe wants to officially declare: it’s up to you and you alone.

‘This is the problem with children these days. No focus, ”the Unhindered actor wrote on Saturday, to retweet a message praising a Twitter user, musician Ian McNabb Master and Commander as a useful sleep aid during quarantine and, inexplicably, Crowe marked in the tweet.

“Peter Weirs’ film is brilliant,” the actor continued. A strange, detail-oriented, epic tale of allegiance to Empire and service, regardless of cost. Incredible cinematography by Russell Boyd and a majestic soundtrack. Definitely a movie for adults. In a subsequent tweet, McNabb point out that he’s actually four years older than Crowe, so, hey, now every day, he should enjoy the full duration of 138 minutes, and not just to try.
