Rumors that Resident Evil 7 is an update of PS5 and Xbox Series X | S kry

A Resident Evil insider claims Resident Evil 7 will receive an upgrade to take advantage of the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S-functions.

This week has been a busy one for Resident Evil fans after Capcom officially unveiled a slew of new information for the next episode of the series, Resident Evil: Village. The game has been officially confirmed for release this coming May, and while there’s plenty to look forward to in the next chapter in the series, those looking to return to its predecessor may be looking forward to next-generation improvements.

On Twitter, well known Resident Evil insider Dusk Golem shared some additional information it was not announced during Capcom’s RE Showcase yesterday, including it Resident Evil 7: Biohazard will apparently release a next generation upgrade on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S kry. In addition, it was also mentioned in their tweets that VR was also underway RE Dorp, but it’s not yet clear if the title will support VR functionality at launch. Although this is currently only a rumor, Dusk Golem was previously known for telling accurate details about this Resident Evil: Village right before its launch, and lends credibility to the claims.

As this year marks the 25th anniversary of the release of the original title, Capcom is likely to have much more in store to celebrate the series’ milestone during the RE Display window. despite RE Dorp, the studio is also released Resident Evil Re: Verse as a free multiplayer experience, pitting players against as many of the series’ most iconic heroes and villains. In a similar way, it would not be too surprising if we finally see RE7 get a next-generation upgrade to coincide with the anniversary of the series.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is now available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
