Rudy Giuliani gets fired from New York College of Laws

Rudy Giuliani sends a possible expulsion from the College of New York State Attorneys and raises the incendiary statements directed at the presidential parties Donald Trump last week before they were violated with violence in the Capitol of the United States.

The organization informs the moon that abribr an investigation about Giuliani should follow being one of its members. Its statutes signal that “no person who abuses to remove the governor of the United States” will be a member.

The expulsion of the College of Abogados, a voluntary membership organization dating from 1876, it is not the same as losing the right to own the abortion. It can only be done by the courts.

A message was sent to Giuliani’s voice in a comment box. The College of Defendants agrees that Giuliani should stop the legal process and increase the opportunity to explain and defend his statements and deeds.

Giuliani, a former New York City spokesman, is Trump’s personal advocate for playing a key role in the Republican president’s run to retire from the presidential election. Joe Biden, a Democrat.

The College of Lawyers affirms that it has received scores of remarks about Giuliani’s actions to perpetuate Trump’s allegations of electoral fraud, which will include the intense declarations of the fairs passed in Washington as the Congress convenes to confirm the triumph of the Biden Electoral College.

“If we are equivocados, haremos the ridiculous, but if we are in the right, many of them are Iran and prison”, Giuliani declares a multitude. “Combatamos por un juicio”.

The College of Representatives signaled in a statement that Giuliani’s statements “clearly intend to alienate Trump’s partisans with the result of the elections to resolve the issues by their own proposals.”
