Rubilio Castillo is training as a goal scorer in the Copa Libertadores with the Royal Paris! – Diez

The Royal Pari can not initiate with the right duo his first duel in the Copa Libertadores 2021, donde cayó derrotado 1-4 ante el Guaraní de Paraguay, pero la buena notice es que elantero Rubilio Castillo is training as a goalie.

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The Honduran delinquent jumped on the field of play as the title, but his team started in the market from the first 4 minutes, 2-0 to 18 and went down 3-0.

In the second half, Castillo started his opinion in the 52 minutes, when he recovered and his penalty was paid in the post and he avoided the goal.

The revenge in the great hope, that in the 72 minutes, Rubilio Castillo trained as a scorer in the Copa Libertadores and saw the descent for his team. “Rubigol” approved a drawing board and cabbage mando the balloon at the bottom of the red.

The allegory for our compatriot lasted a while, even though Guarani flew to mark and put the marker 1-4, a very difficult result for the aspirations to classify the next round of the Libertadores.

‘Rubigol’ marches for a good moment while adding fifty goals in the preparation scores, and now he is in the first official game.

Far: Júnior Lacayo and his message after announcing his first goal with Communications

The funeral will take place on March 3 at 6:30 pm at the Luis Alfonso Giangni Stadium in Paraguay. Royal Pari needed more than a penny, he had to score fifty goals to advance.
