Rubén Blades mourns the death of his friend, the musician Víctor ‘Vitín’ Paz – Music and Books – Culture

The panaman singer Rubén Blades reconciles with the failure of his compatriot and trumpeter Víctor “Vitín” Paz el mundo pierde to “a titan of music, a true example of discipline and dedication to perfection”.

“The Titan of the Trumpet and one of the best musicals of the world, our day as legacy of his series, professionalism and quality for us to serve example, now and always”, Blades affirms in his social speeches.

Paz, always considered a “living legend” of Panamanian music, accompanied by great artists such as Frank Sinatra, Dizzy Gillespie and Las Estrellas de Fania, among others, failed the passing Saturday at the age of 89 years, without knowing the cause of his death.

Blades lamented that Paz “got into the other barrier”, and confessed that it was “difficult to write about the party of the people, every week for weeks”.

The composer and actor of his Panameño indicates that in a “competitive” medium like New York, where he also developed a large part of his artistic career, ‘Vitín’ ‘has a trumpet and his excellence in the production of the admiration and respect of all his colleagues, in addition to access to opportunities to integrate bands that by general do not contract Latin musicians “.

Talk about it, “when the trumpet is most necessary, the phrase is: ‘search for Vitin'”.

The author of “Pedro Navaja” refers to Paz as “an external student of his instrument” who “practiced daily during all his life”, without allowing “that his family hiccup olvidar that only the discipline can help to create and sustain the excellence “.

“I believe that in order to maintain its pristine reputation, it must always maintain a constant training and study regime and, as it were, reach the end of its days,” affirms the singer, actor and composer Panameño.

Blades commemorates the ” Vitín ‘of the legend, the perfect solo in (the melody)’ Puerto Rico ‘, by Eddie Palmieri, the accompanist of the best orchestras, musical accompanist of’ Tito ‘Rodriguez and Frank Sinatra, the narrator of anecdotes, connoisseur of musical values ​​and possessor of a seco humor, a veces mordaz “.

También rescued the love of Paz with his family as a “musical colleague” who together with his mother, the singer and pianist Anoland Bellido de Luna, integrated the orchestra of the Panamanian music Clarence Martín, and recorded that ‘Vitín’ ‘finished his trumpet with the voz de mi mamá y no con el piano, como usuallye se hace “.

“The question of what is happening to me and my salvation is with one of his innumerable and accepted answers: ‘I have heard unfinished pianos, but I have never been unfaithful to your mother'”, Blades indicated.

Blades will close its obituary saying “Thank you Maestro ‘Vitin’. For this we will continue on our route as our recommendation; always be careful of ‘aceite'”.

‘Vitín’ Paz was a music that was staged in the best screenplays together with relevant artists and songs in Caracas, New York and Panama, sea in theater, salsa, jazz, and also in films such as “Mambo Kings”, in which he spoke trumpet by actor Antonio Banderas, following his live show.

Peace, which was always the first trumpet, cascade and father of four – no music – regressed to Panama in 1999 to establish in New York for a period of 36 years.

In 2011, the Panama Jazz Festival (PJF) dedicated the octava edición to a Paz por su trayectoria and the historia de la música of an everyday nature.

