Roscosmos celebrates the accomplices of the co-founder of the Soviet special program Serguéi Koroliov and receives an unexpected reply in the form of Elon Musk

The multimillionaire “magnificent” caliber of the prominent engineer.

SpaceX’s founder Elon Musk responded this March to one of Roscosmos’ special Russian agencies, celebrating the 114th anniversary of the birth of scientist and engineer Serguéi Koroliov, one of the most important figures in the initial stages of the special program. URSS.

“Magnificent force”, tuiteó Musk en ruso, in response to the publication.

Koroliov (1907-1966) worked on the construction of cohetes from the 1930s. In 1946, the chief designer of the experimental design office OKB-1 (actual factory of special hubs RKK Energiya) was appointed designer. Study of the logos of the initiations of Soviet cosmonautics as the launch of the artificial satellite primer, Sputnik (1957), and the special flight of Yuri Gagarin (1961).
