Romero seeks to minimize liquidations of municipal employees

The Alcalde entering San Juan, Miguel Romero, which takes care of the maintenance of the cargo, ensures that the administrative services are taken care of so that the municipality does not have the obligation to pay high amounts in liquidations to its employees, as required by the executor Carmen Yulín Cruz, who received in the past week a $ 54,000 holiday voucher for vacation and accumulated vacation slides.

Romero manifests that, in principle, it has no problem with the officials cobren the denier than ten derecho, per subrayo that a necessary planning is necessary to avoid the excessive accumulation of these licenses.

‘Yo no he tenido la oportunidad de examinar eso. Liquidations, if any, have all been properly corrected, and will not cause any problems. Well, in our case and the way you pretend to administer in San Juan, see to it that the executive officers are connected to their aircraft and take their vacations in order to avoid what has happened, which is not only the $ 54,000 of the liquidation of the alcaldesa, it is worth noting that it separates $ 1.2 million for the liquidation of 36 employees, ”said Romero.

This media reported a week ago that Carmen Serrano, a Cruz press aide, was receiving $ 100,000 and licensing liquidation.

You can think that, in the case of the calculator or calculator, there is an employee who limits the days that can take vacations, but he thinks that the rest of the employees require a plan. If we do not want to spend $ 1.2 million now, then $ 1.2 million that can be used to buy equipment, ‘diggers’, that need to be repaired, repair the fleet of trucks and vehicles, asphalt. Creo que eso también denota, y lo digo in terms of totality, no quiero personalizarlo, que treintipico de empleados cuando se les liquid ($ 1,2 millones) en promedio son sobre $ 30,000 y eso me llama la atención ”, añadió Romero , a Secretary and Secretary of Labor.

The Cruz property has publicly maintained the balance of vacancies for vacations and nurses of the past.

“Before a municipal official filters this document as if he were illegally possessing my master’s liquidation from the Municipality of San Juan. You can object to the liquidation for the Ley and find that receiving the liquidation is an illegal act “, expresses the exception, which was handed over to the cargo on the 31st of December.
