Romell’s Father Quioto calls it a television channel to ask him to forgive and the footballer responds – Diez

Luego de ocho años sin poder hablar con él, don Martín Quioto tuvo que recurrir a medidas extremas para poder hablar con su hijo; Romell Samir, delantero del Montreal Impact of the MLS.

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The desperate father called it a television channel to explain that neither he nor his others knew he wanted the athlete’s phone number.

Martin contends that his desire is to be able to drive to his carriage to pedal. “Yo como padre lo que quiero es que nos encontremos y ambos nos perdonemos. Que me fordone a mi y yo fordonarlo. Eso es lo que quiero”, dijo a HCH.

“Because we have a pact between the two, we need to be close to you because it is not the time that I can kill. I have 67 years and I will not be imprisoned”, he said.

Martín, who lives in Roatan together with his other brothers, knows that there is no good father with the footballer now.

“In this life we ​​are not perfect. If the powder leaves the front of the door; I can see what you can do so that you can forgive me for everything I do, because I did not have a good father? But why as a football player, “A coronated Nazi because he is also a footballer. You have the opportunity to play in Marathon, Platense and Vida, but because I’m better able to work in the Bahia Islands, I’ve a Nazi with that fortune”.

Recalcó no es por dinero que busca a su hijo. “It’s true that I’m poor, but my frijolitos do not fall for me. In this pandemic lodged follow six months of work. It’s not for money, it’s because I want to feel the cariño and the love of el”, dijo Martín a HCH.

Quito le responde en vivo

Al ex del Olympia lo llamaron y respondió. Initially, he was confronted with the crime.

“I want to return to my team, stay focused on my career, as long as I like, follow me through my dreams and metas. I’m not for that type of things I want to develop. Listen to other forms of communication (to communicate ) “, initial entry.

“How long has it been and how long has it been since I got married? Now I’m 29 years old. How many years have I lived in my house when I was corrected?”, The judge asks.

Martín responds to some of the things that concern and mediate the plastic approval for pedicure forgiveness.

“I would like to abrazar. Tuve un sueño con él y lo quiero abrazar. Si yo te hice alguna falta ¡perdóname¡”.

Romell no vakiló. “I’m losing to her, I’m not connected to anyone, no dating. She’s in her life.”

Luego de estas palabras, la voz de don Martín cambió y se mostró mas calmado. Now hope to be able to go and see his thigh and tener in his brazas to start limping aspirations and get all the time.

“Thank you very much. Hoy que marques ya podré dormir tranquilo pora ya tengo mi libazón lib de lo que llevaba. Gracias Romell por haberme fordonado. Si te quieres comunicar conmigo, tienes mi número”, cerró
