Rocky “The Kid”: “I do not know what I want so much”

The radial locator and presenter Rocky “The Kid” feels strongly about the followers he questioned in his office in the space marked by the regression of La Comay has worked for TeleOnce, claiming that the titular Antulio “Kobbo” Santarrosa announced in December his decision to renew the contract with the Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS).

‘I do not know what I want so much. Really happy because at the end of the truck, at the end of the days, he liked the work he was doing. Thank you for all the people he has shown ”, expressed the First Hora as part of the MegaTV space since the year 2019. The new program of La Comay Transmission Monday to Friday 17:55

“It was an SBS decision, which is due to 94 and MegaTV. If you want to be a channel that competes with TeleOnce, with WAPA, with Telemundo, before you sign a contract or work with a competitor broadcaster, you should consult with SBS. In the case of radio it will not work with no radio station. In the case of television, just consult ”, he explained.

“Llevo in SBS since 1999. Raúl Alarcón (the president The CEO of SBS) was very pleased and I do not need this statement. Al Raúl no permitírmelo, no hay de otra. I want to be on the radio and not participate in La Comay“, Specifies the locator, who prevailed to announce the decision of Kobbo Santarrosa’s decision, he has proposed to the canal management that contracted another talent to support the program Los HP to have a less busy work schedule, what I saw in the contract of Alejandro Gil Santiago, but provoked that, possibly, Rocky would like to moderate a television space on the channel.

For the new animator of La Comay, Yan Ruiz, solo tiene palabras de elogio.

“I can not be very objective with Yan because he is only my friend, Yan was my wife in the year 1998, when Cosmos 94 was born in San Juan”, scored. ‘Tenemos una amistad. Soy fanatic of Yan. On the radio I listened to it on the 90 in (the emitter) X100 and consumed it work. Creo that Yan had a tremendous sense of humor, is a fan, that he did not explode at the moment passed the first program, did not pass the second todavia “, described. However, some users have expressed criticism of the veteran locutor.

“When the people try to convince Yan to go out and enjoy Yan’s is a querendón. The only thing he knows is that Yan is a vacillator, he vacillates and he is going to go, ”he said, noting that he was not the first worker to work with the character.

“Yan participated in this project at the time when Hector Travieso, who was staying at Hector’s Fires and the Moon because Hector made one of the personal trips to Miami and Yan was the one, apart from having a segment within the program of SuperXclusivo”, Repasó. “So it is that Kobbo prefers to have confidence in his work team. For that is the recruitment ”.

At the moment, there will be a break from television.

“I am super-graded in the production. There is a lot of success in everything that is working and now working on the production. The extra much, obviously. It’s a great opportunity. Geen todo en la vida dura para siempre nie. Quizas come in other different things for me ”, reflection.

“There is no such thing as a television project as it is contemplated. Let’s cover a descent this year and direct to another place where there is no television “, adelantó el también anfitrión del radial matutino The despot. “Estuve desde 2014 has a television diary program. The last years we have television programs and a radio program. Since 2014 I have been dying and need a respite year ”.
