Rockstar NPC Tech Patent has people talking about GTA 6

A new patent filed by Rockstar Games parent company Take-Two Interactive suggests that the studio is exploring new gaming systems to increase the situational awareness of its NPCs.

The patent, entitled “System And Method for Virtual Navigation In A Gaming Environment”, describes technology aimed at creating a “realistic experience” in video games by making AI smarter to track their environment. The patent is specifically aimed at managing the behavior of NPC vehicles.

NPCs can currently only detect video games in their immediate area. This level of detection is usually transmitted almost exclusively to other cars, which is why NPC drivers tend to not only touch each other, but also in the objects found in the world. Through this new patent, however, Rockstar wants to give NPCs a clear management profile.

According to the patent – filed by Rockstar’s co-director of technology David Hynd and chief AI programmer Simon Parr – an NPC can ‘define its own specific characteristics to penetrate roadblocks’. Paths in games are connected like dotted lines, connected by nodes that the AI ​​reads to determine its path. This new method will give NPCs a sense of autonomy along the way. If one path is backed up with traffic, NPCs may decide to take a different route. If the roads are slippery due to rain, NPCs can avoid them.

In addition to the weather conditions and the assessment of the external conditions, NPCs can recognize and move immobile obstacles in the way – like a car accident – and navigate around them. In addition, the behavior of an NPC driver can change dynamically depending on the situation, such as slowing down to drive in residential streets.

In addition, NPCs can take into account other external factors through this patent, such as speed limits, vehicle handling and top speed, bends and maneuvers and break times. All of this is aimed at creating a more lifelike driving experience when on the go with NPCs.

It is of course noteworthy that a filed patent does not mean that it will become part of a project. Nor does it mean that Rockstar intends to use the technology on which it is patenting. This simply suggests that the studio is exploring ways to design NPCs currently.

Although the patent does not mention any Rockstar-associated project, it has been speculated by Reddit users that it has something to do with Grand Theft Auto 6. The authors note that the technology is built for ‘virtual navigation and objects in a multiplayer network gaming community “and aimed at PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It does not mean much either, but if the patent does become the real Rockstar technology, it could appear in the well-known Grand Theft Auto 6 or the hugely popular Grand Theft Auto Online.

In other GTA news, Rockstar brings the seven-year-old Grand Theft Auto 5 to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X later this year | S. PlayStation Plus subscribers who play on PlayStation 4 will receive cash bonuses in GTA Online every month until the mode hits Sony’s next generation console.

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