Rockaway, NJ restaurant owner, rapes teenager, police say

A GoFundMe page raised about $ 2,000 for Rob Grow last year when his Rockaway Township restaurant closed. Now the owner of Potbelly’s Cafe is accused of sexually assaulting a teenage worker on several occasions in 2018 and 2019.

According to Morris County Acting Prosecutor Robert Carroll, Grow, 61, of Rockaway Borough, assaulted the 17-year-old girl on several occasions between December 1, 2018 and March 8, 2018.

Grow is charged with second-degree sexual assault, the third degree endangering a child’s well-being, and two third-degree charges endangering a child’s welfare.

He was released on Monday after his arrest and ordered to have no contact with the girl and / or unsupervised minors other than his own children.

Carroll asked anyone with information about the incident to call his office at 973-285-6200 or the Rockaway Borough Police at 973-627-1314.

Grow said on his Facebook page that he was locked outside the restaurant when he missed a rent payment in November. When asked how long it would be closed, he replied, “my friend always and always.”

A GoFundMe page created to help Grow after the restaurant closed raised just over $ 1,900. Donations were stopped in December.

Organizer Marlene Deyo said Grow has been active with the Business Owners Association, arranging a cleanup of the Rockaway River twice a year, assisting seniors during the pandemic and being a member of the recreation committee.

A dinner for the ABC show “Emergence” was filmed in November 2019 in the restaurant.

Contact reporter Dan Alexander at [email protected] or via Twitter @ DanAlexanderNJ

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