Robinho: Italian authorities ratify a fine of 9 years in prison

Italy /

La Corte de Apelación de Milán, what happened last December to the Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza ‘Robinho’ had years of imprisonment for violar to a chic of 23 years of electricity 2013, considered that the juggler humiliated “brutally” to the victim and voluntarily diverted the investigations, following this March the Italian diary La Repubblica.

The reasons that are relevant to the Corte de Apelación de Milán to confirm the passing of December 10 the new years of imprisonment to Robinho by a group violin to a young man at a disco including haber “less expensive” than the chic and haberla “brutally humiliated”.

Además, la Court of Appeal consider that Robinho “intention of the committee to deviate from the investigations offering to the authorities a false and presumably agreed version“with the other responsible, ensure the source quoted.

Robinho, exfutbolista del Real Madrid y del Manchester City, entre otros, jugaba en el AC Milan this time and participation together with a friend, Ricardo Falco, en the violations of an Albanian chic who were celebrating in a local cono of Milan with his companions N ° 23.

Robinho dismantled the accusations in 2014, transcending the notice that Italy the investigation by these hechos.

In 2009, when he participated in the English league, it was announced that Robinho institute being investigated by the police for an alleged violation in a nightclub of Leeds (center), although, tras ser sometido a un interrogatorio, fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza. The football player has no accusations.
