Roberto Palazuelos reveals the reason for the demand for production by Luis Miguel, La Serie

Some days that the second period of the biographical series of Luis Miguel, which will be protagonized by Diego Boneta, the opinions of quienes han sido cercanos a El sol no han foldado, entre ellas la de Roberto Palazuelos, which is more rodeos expose the company reason by the quality not legally in contravention of the production, when in the first entry of this television project is the representation of workers of Bobby. This proposal, revealed that it had a conversation with Aracely Arámbula, which in recent days has been confirmed in a statement that his image will not be used, although at the moment there has been a lot of inconvenience among the public that has been following this story.

Roberto PalazuelosVER GALLERY


Tan directo as suele ser, Palazuelos habló de la manner in which habría proceeded and hobbered a legal rule with the team of Luis Miguel, The Series, ante the inconvenience that the generation generates in the way that was presented inside the tram. “Returning me when I passed the situation, here is the legal function of this manner, if I use his number without his authorization, there is no question that: ‘I have so much’ … You will be the tabloid of the number generating the series, which is very easy to lose because of its fiscal operations that are in the works, and there are still a percentage of them all. If it is very delicate, I believe that the abogados of them the need to saber, I believe that also Miguelito has many problems like to meters in má ”, confessed in an interview with the television program Ventaneando, as assisted as invited.

But there is a possibility that Palazuelos will have to take actions against the team of Luis Miguel, The Series, the también-actor has revealed the power of reason given by each of them the decision not to give the next step, as a result of his way of thinking and trusting that will mark the best way to do so in advance. ‘Tuvieron suerte de que por apprecio que hay, y sobre todo por el gran aprecio que le tengo sobre to Miguel Alemán, yo no los demandé, because if you’ve been in demand, yo sí hubiera bajado varios millons de dolares. Yo me hubiera ido al percentages of sales by not holding an authorization, ellos hubieran dicho: ‘Es que no eres tú, es que es Bobby, no eres tú ‘. Ag sí, ¿es Bobby? The character of Muchachitas, el carrito que explota, yo le presento eso al juez y the present is a par of testigos and revents, soy yo …”, Explained.

Diego Boneta and Luis Miguel, La SerieVER GALLERY

Your conversation with Aracely Arámbula

From the beginning of the first season of the Luis Miguel series, the unknown about the series comes from the part of the life of El sol con Aracely Arámbula despertó muchas ondervraers. Without embarrassment, the actress has made it clear that this is not the case, the situation of which, according to Palazuelos, has been with him. “You have a telephone conversation with her, I have a lot to do with her Chule, algo así supe, y me dijo que no iban a sacar nada y pues ojalá no le saquen nada si ella no quiere, porque pues si no sí, van a tener un problema ahí … ”, aseguró.

El Black diamond también destacó the character with which the actress assumes this type of circumcision, embracing the phrases that, according to the record, she has a very punctual manner. “I hope he will be intelligent with Aracely, because Aracely is an army of empty tomar, it’s a woman who’s not dating, she’s happy with her and she loves me: ‘Si se pasan me los reviento’, y se los van a reventar …“, Advirtió. That being said, given a load of differences, this is the best musical idol in this new stage, which has generated a lot of expectations among the television public and the followers of its musical work. “We hope that nothing happens, we hope that much of the series will be successful, and that it will be ten and yes, nothing more than that we will respond to these situations…”, he said.

Roberto PalazuelosVER GALLERY
