Roberto Carlos, die “rey” of the romantic song 80 years

Brazil has two kingdoms that proclaim it alive and those that run through it in admiration. One of them is Pelé, the football astro, and the other Roberto Carlos, the romantic and compulsive musical icon who in his 80s has been captivating the Latin American public and the world.

A biography that relates in detail and in a sensational tone to the life of the song from his childhood, passing through his dramas, triumphs, mysteries and obsessions, sold out on the 19th of April, the same day that the artist octogenarian celebrates his birthday .

Recognized all over the planet by exits like “El cacharrito”, “Un gato en la oscuridad”, “Cóncavo y Convexo”, “Amada amante” and “Yo solo quiero” (a million friends), el varias veces ganador del Grammy has a wealth of lightness and happiness, but also an obstacle and sad depths.

The amputation of part of a pier when apenas ten years ago, the death of his three sons, the death of one of his heifers, his “panic” to the road and an obsessive compulsive trastorn, because he only saw white and blue, and that he had to veto variations of his songs of his repertoires, his some examples.

Written by the Brazilian periodical Jotabé Medeiros, who accompanies for 35 years the artist’s career, the biography named “Por isso Essa Voz Tamanha” (Por eso esta voz gigante) was launched by the Todavía editorial, risking being sued by the justice system, as was the case with the first job taken by the singer.

In 2007, in an artist’s petition, the judiciary ordered the circulation of all the copies of the biography ‘Roberto Carlos in detail’, written by the Brazilian historian Paulo César de Araujo.

“This work was the only one that inaugurated the historic historiography of him, because he has many books that deal with aspects of his career, but the only thing that can be done about his life is his book,” Efe Medeiros explained in a telephone interview.

The periodical aggregate that if any more would like to write a book of this style tends to want to make all the artist’s record. As he has been following his career since 1986 and has been witnessing the presence of various advances -also that the daba “cierta ventaja” – decided to launch to complete this reto.

“For the themes of the passage you have to do an investigation into what is going on, have the races, to be able to see how Roberto converts to what he is. So it is only that the Brazilians have already explained well”, he said. .

Medeiros will make sure that “I do not write” authorized biographies, but as a good reporter I will explain the artist’s concept on some “controversial” themes, before the book is published. If there is no law, there is a “mystery”.

In the book, the periodical is recorded in the musical formation of Roberto Carlos from his childhood in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, a municipality of the state of Espíritu Santo, where he died on April 19, 1941, passing by his explosion like the star of rock Brazilians in their 60s, have read about converting to the ‘rey de la romantic song’ a decade later.

“Luego hizo una assimilación cultural relacionada con la ‘black music’ norteamericana (…), grabó canciones de funk y soul y cuando llega a los años 70 hace música más orchestal y también tiene otras con un poco de activismo ambiental”, verslur the author.

Later, Roberto Carlos started to create a “more erotic” genre with songs like “Cama y mesa” and “Cabalgada”, which was known in Brazil as his “motelera phase”.


“It lasts for a while and goes into its phase” more romantic excerpt than what it would meet most ahead of a single rival who is not Brazilian: Julio Iglesias “, said Medeiros.

In agreement with the periodical, Roberto Carlos and Julio Iglesias read to hold a dispute over “territory” in determining the height of their careers, a battle that would be solved only by the screenwriters and by which no one would be friends.

Between the curious dates and his first revelation in this biography, it is obligatory to visit Roberto Carlos at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in the 60s, while traveling to New York, to consider the “temple” of the black music, by the way stars like James Brown or Ella Fitzgerald.


At the age of 80, Roberto Carlos announced that his next gira will be in 2022 and that this year will be a movie about his life, followed by an interview sent by his press officer to the media, which includes some of his questions 60 more than various periodicals the hicieron llegar with occasion of its companions.

Recollected by the pandemic in the apartment of which also was guarded by the public life of 1980, the Brazilian artist revealed that he wanted to compose.

Since 1961, the first album has been released, producing an annual disco until 2005, all of which have been released since 1965, using the same strategy for its Spanish productions. Después de eso, tan solo lancó dos productions, con quatro canciones cada una 2012 en 2017.
