Roberto Calero, El Payador de Vinces, has been singing his song for the last time | Music | Maintenance

The Rockola song falls on April 4 and will be sung at 3:00 pm on its Christmas Eve, Vinces. In the last year his health deteriorated rapidly.

Appearing an augurio of that which succeeds soon, when Roberto Calero recited his last presentation live on February 14 of this year, the day to his last hyo, Dyango Calero: “Hijo, creo que is the last song”. Y así fue. The next day a peritonitis was intervened at Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital in Guayaquil. Without embarrassment, it presents renal insufficiency (due to which dialysis occurs), in addition, suffers from severe pressure. All these factors complicate the state of health of one of the most important rock’s representatives at the national level.

La pena de mi viejo, Por Dios te quiero tanto, Tarjeta roja, Bohemia and Bacan, El mandarina, Beberé, beberé, beberé, Map of the sky is part of the legacy that singer Roberto Calero took the day off from his party. On April 4, the artist, known as El Payador de Vinces, moved to the level of the eternity at the age of 78, to sleep over an entrance (two days ago he had another cardiac card, he was revived with electroshocks).

From the 15th of February, when he entered the health center, no more salió. Now, the family and friends are looking for more and more of these goodies are sold at home, in Vinces. Here is the quis el, account his hijo. “I decided that when I was playing algo, I was playing music. Siempre me dijo: ‘Si algo me llega a pasar, tráiganme a Vinces porque yo soy de Vinces’ ”.

Ayer, unfolds from the mansion the velorio and his hijo share to Facebook works a live video. The form on stage can be distinct, musical, musical and more musical to record in Calero. The interior was scheduled for today, at 3:00 PM, was not scheduled until one of the failed artist’s days had to arrive from the outside to be dispatched.

Alegre, divertido y talentoso, asi era El Payador de Vinces and asi es like his family desea que se preserve su imagen. “I love what I remember with the same charisma, with the same enthusiasm that he has on stage. What an icon is, what a legend is, even though it is a legend. Que lo sigan escuchando ”, pidió Calero.

Aladino, compadre y amigo

The salute of the rock cholera will be a few years later, without embarrassment since last year it will be considerably lower, as is the record Aladino, another exponential concoction of gender and count of Calero. It’s the godfather of Dyango, it’s minor and all the time it’s been in contact. Aladino admits that his colleague and friend suffers from various infarctions, and in the end they do not resist.

The stories and records of his demise, he started in the year 1971 when Calero launched the waltz Lost by your fault. During the year there will be national and international trade fairs in the United States and Europe.

“I ‘ve been having a health problem since time immemorial and I’m confident because I’ve been aroused and I’ve been lying, and I’d decided to have a good time with me,’” Aladino recalls. And agree: “It’s the form of deceiving el, but as much as we know the decimals that recur in science”.

In the photo you can observe Izquierda listening to the songs: Julio Jaramillo, Aladino, Kike Vega, Roberto Calero and Chugo Tobar. The only one that continues with life is Aladino.

A farewell to the speeches

Who also despises the work of the social platforms fue the television presenter Fabiola Véliz. Domingo submits a photo of his ten in white and black, along with a text that says: “Vuel alto tio, which in the past descends one of the exponents that the international level represents us. Roberto Calero Piedrahíta gave us a legacy from Grande to the impossible family to replace. I abrazos his sus in particular to my first Tuty and Gina, my first quaridas, what is this ”.

The duo of the Hermanas Toral expressed themselves on Facebook. And pusieron: “The artistic class is lute, our beloved friend and colleague Roberto Alfonso Calero Piedrahita, El Payador de Vinces, has failed to read our recent notes on his work, Lcda. Nelly Macías, to his wife and to all the family, that God has much strength to support such irreparable loss ”.

How to start your career

Roberto Calero started his career 56 years ago. A few years ago he was present at school and college events, a comedy like the one that had various artists; public and a great passion. There are 22 años representatives of Vinces and Quevedo, and el Festival Interprovincial de Cantantes Aficionados del Ecuador.

After reading the opportunity to be invited to a communication medium, his love and radio views of The Radial Surprise of the 11, the radio Crystal. Armando Romero, manager and owner of the issue, puses the appeal of “Payador de Vinces”, which he sang with him until the last day of his live video and continues for years in which his music is recorded.

Passillos, boleros, valses, El Payador de Vinces grabó during his career 50 discs, 12 LP and 16 compact discs. Complete all material, haoi 110 canciones de la autoría del ecuatoriano.

The music stays in its gene.

His father Emilio Piedrahíta wrote the legendary pasillo Ojos que matan. In an interview with this Diario 11 years ago: “I heard the song because my family loves music in the song”.

The talent for composition can be seen as the source of his abomination and in the manner of writing his own confession: the canteen of the house where he also lived ”.

Rockolera music, ¿marginal?

In the same conversation that has taken place with the UNIVERSE, the question about the stigma that at this time is the gender of its part. He replied: “No, it’s the expression and sentiment of our people. Many political quisers will be chanting to win the applause and the votes of the people. Los rockoleros somos los embajadores de la cultura gewild. It appears that when the time is running out, the rock bolero tends to become fractured, just as the hizo pulls it together ”.

For him, the hubiesen politicians want to be angry, just as he (angry) is angry with the politician, and he logs. Roberto Calero converts to the Viceroy of Vinces. (I)
