Robert W. Thomas sums up how embassy negotiations of the United States

The United States Embassy in Santo Domingo announced that Robert W. Thomas will be taking over as chief negotiator of this diplomatic mission. This representative will be responsible for the mission of the designation of a new envoy for the Dominican Republic by the Governor of the United States.

Thomas, who will be taking over as Minister of Embassy of 16 July 2020, use functions as a set of bargaining missions since the end of January.

The embajada communiqué que al senoror Thomas le acompañará en suis mission su esposo, el senor Juan García.

In addition, the new bargaining process ensures that the United States continues to cooperate as the Dominican Republic’s chief social worker in the search for a sustainable economic crime and the alliance between nations.

“The United States has a long-distance relationship with the Dominican Republic and during this transition we will build on our long history of cooperation with the Dominican Republic’s social union number, working together with the governor Thomas,” he said.

This representative, who has spent six months serving in the country, is a career diplomat who has served in Canada (on both occasions), Mexico, Costa del Marfil and Mauritania.

Its diplomatic service within the United States has included various roles in the Office of Consular Assistants and the Executive Secretariat of the State Department. También was also sent by the State Department as part of the response team to the crisis in Haiti during the 2010 earthquake.

Thomas holds a Licentiate in Political Science and Comparative Studies of Religions at Emory & Henry College, a University of the liberal arts in Virginia’s Surrounds.

The former ambassador, Robin Bernstein, passed away on January 17, culminating in his diplomatic work in the country with the new President of the United States’ Joe Biden.

Bernstein was named ambassador of the United States and Dominican Republic by President Donald J. Trump, on July 3, 2018.
