Robert Aaron Long: oscuro pasade del assesino de 8 personas – EEUU – Internacional

A stadium, of 21 years, assumes responsibility for the March 17 draws that will take place eight dead, between these six Asian origins women. Los assesinatos ocurrieron en varios spas cercanos in Atlanta, Estados Unidos.

According to Jay Baker, police chief Robert Aaron Long, who held the same day, “it appears that he was not motivated by racism” and, moreover, the account of the authorities that suffers from a “sexual addiction” the massages eran “an attempt to eliminate it”.

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In agreement with The New York Times, his sexual harassment led him to be rehabilitated and, more precisely, when he was caught red-handed with the police who were directed to Florida to be arrested. another attack ‘n a pornographic business.

Los padres of the same Long fueron women are being pushed into contact with the Police and ayudaron ‘n identifificarlo after publishing some vigilance videos of the young teens being blown away, a clear chest of drawers and a big barbeque without bigotry, subject to a search of the crime scene in Acworth, Georgia.

The attacker was described as an introverted and passionate person by the arms, in addition to being a very religious Christian.

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According to the communication medium ‘The Daily Beast’, Long has written in an Instagram post on her account, which has been leaked: “pizza, guns, battery, music, family and God. This has been pretty much my life. vida bastante buena “.

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A companion from the secondary school, interviewed by the same medium, described it as “a cashier”. Hecho, Long appears in a photo circulating on social media featuring a shirt with the Matthews Archery Army logo, specialized in ballet.

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“Paris is very ignorant and does not mean bad words. It is a little nerd and a little sociable. No pariah violence for what I recovered“, explained another young man who had a concoction.

Al parecer, Long settled muy involved in the church to the assistance of his family and to the prohibition against having sex in the matrimony. Además, it seems that a second time was built, a ceremony in which ‘saved’, he did not confirm it in a Facebook video.

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On March 18, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, reaffirmed his complaint and assured that the violence against Asian ascendants is very preoccupied: “If the Asian origins are very preoccupied, as you know, we are the victim of Asian brutality in the last months,” he said.

Así mismo, former president Barack Obama, a journey of his account of Twitter, is a pioneer fin and a llamado violence in society.

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* With AFP information
