Mexico City /
A journey from Twitter, Jorge Enríquez, real jugador de Venados FC, in the MX Expansion League, denounced that fue victim of a robo in his house of Guadalajara mientras salió to a commercial square with his family. The football player detailed that the ladies take the medal from Oro what obtuvo in los London 2012 Olympic Games with the Mexican Selection.
“Between those things (which are alive) an Olympic gold medal that surely some collector will buy and display in his display cases. But if the value is not in the medal, it is not in the vivid records! “Bendigo has these people who enter my house and rob me of more things”, the footballer wrote in his speeches.
El Chatón Enríquez is encountering one of the days of descent in tierras tapatias antes to regress with the cadet yucateco that will take place in the action on March 2nd.
Hasta the moment, the destitute player who act in accordance with the law for an investigation to be carried out y puedan dar con los responsables del robo.