Riverside County apologizes for ‘unacceptable’ vaccine site crash

Hours after thousands of residents experienced major technical issues while trying to sign up for a vaccine clinic, Riverside County announced it was going to change its website.

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The province made 3,900 appointments available Thursday afternoon. However, when residents went to sign up, many people got a blank white ‘504 error’ code page. Others who were able to access the site filled out pages with registration forms to determine that the appointments were filled.

Many people have called our newsroom to report these issues. The response called for dr. Cameron Kaiser, public health officer in Riverside County, informs residents that IT is investigating the issue.

According to the province, the problem was caused by an error in the website code.

“Residents are understandably frustrated that the appointment site did not show up today,” said Juan C. Perez, Interim County executive. “While we were working with our seller to ensure that it would be operational today, it was unfortunately not. Honestly, this is unacceptable. We apologize for this unfortunate situation and will be directing residents to a new site soon. . “

Provincial officials said a new link will be announced soon for residents to sign up for COVID-19 vaccinations.

Officials noted that once the appointments are open, the new province website will continue to link to the state’s vaccination portal.

“If all appointments are discussed when the state’s registration is completed, users will not be able to set a time frame,” the province said in a statement.

Stay tuned to News Channel 3 for updates.

In Riverside County, people 65 and older can get their coronavirus vaccine, along with adults of all ages if they work in education, law enforcement, food and agriculture and emergency services.

The group forms phase 1B in the country’s vaccine distribution framework. People in all levels of phase 1A can also be vaccinated.

  • For employees in Phase 1A and 1B – Level 1, need an appointment and employee ID badge / letter of place of employment, otherwise you will not be vaccinated
  • For 65 years and older, an appointment and ID are required.

The clinics offer free vaccines, but medical insurance information is requested.

San Bernardino County residents 65 and older can now receive COVID vaccine

“This is important news for so many of our residents who are eager to be vaccinated,” said supervisor Karen Spiegel. “We also ask for your patience. We still have very limited quantities of vaccine and a great demand in the community for it. The country is distributing the vaccine as fast as we receive it.”

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Do you have questions about the vaccine? We worked with local health experts to answer questions submitted by the viewer. See below:
