Rivaldo advised on the problem that could be the FC Barce …

Rivaldo is an ex football player who touched the cima of his career playing with the tuxedo of FC Barcelona during the past decade, including lighting the Balloon of Gold as azulgrana. Now he’s a Betfair fan and he’s been a sports analyst for davas casa de apuestas, talking about some topics in the football panorama without olvidar ever on the team, in which he was trying to distance Pedri González as one of the clubs’ joy.

Curiously, Rivaldo jugaba in a similar position to the media median point, although the ex brazilian jugador quiso advertise that ponerle to joven crack the pressure to be one of the leaders of the team can acabard pass invoice in the future. We can ruin the career of Pedri if we put the pressure on. Ten solo 18 years. “Precisely because of this, other veterans need to take a step forward and assume their responsibilities,” he said.

Rivaldo consider that no hooi that correr con Pedri and that, with time, there will be weight in the team. “That is a player nadie lo niega. If you want to play Europe with Spain … But that does not mean anything. Have to follow your normal process and play football as always, as you say Ronald Koeman. Probable Messi will not follow the time that comes, so that Pedri tendrá más responsabilidades la proxima tempada. Pero, por ahora, no debe cambiar ”, insists on it.

” If we put pressure on Pedri, we could’ruinlo ” ‘

For another lad, Rivaldo también habló del gran reto que tiene por delante el FC Barcelona in the league champion. The verdict is due to come when playing against the PSG. Enttones veremos los verdaderos limites de este equipo. If you can eliminate a finalist from the Champions, quizá cierren sus heridas y todo cambie para mejor. On the contrary, it would be demoralized for the rest of the time, ”he said.

Rivaldo also commented on the form of Leo Messi and his great performances in the last games. ” Ha empezado muy bien el año. Today we do not know if we will renovate, but our parties will demonstrate what Messi will do to me in the last three months. What you can do is play at an elevated level. I’m sure it’s Messi nee es el mejor Messi… pero aun así sigue siendo mejor del jugador del Barcelona por sus virtudes e importanza para el team ”, verslur.

The continuity of Sergio Ramos in Real Madrid

Rivaldo también habló sober el que fue su eterno mededinger como jugador del FC Barcelona: el Real Madrid. Specifically, we analyzed the case of Sergio Ramos, which contract has been contracted in Verano and has not been renovated yet. There is no such thing as a demonstrator and he has won the right to decide his future. The aficionados del Real Madrid and the directive has to extend its decision to sea, because it has always done so for its colors ”, dijo.

About the future of Sergio Ramos, Rivaldo consider that you already read the moment of air exchange for the Andalusian. ” After 15 years with the whites, quiza is the moment to confront new retos. It is logical that in the Real Madrid if you are looking for a market Cristiano Ronaldo, pero los jugadores van y vienen y los clubs son los que permanecen ”, afirmó.

For Rivaldo, do not import the hecho from which Sergio Ramos play in the Real Madrid, who admires the camera has his feelings for the FC Barcelona. ‘We admire and are more than the rivalries. It’s one of the best defenses in the world and the best of them to play in the Real Madrid I did not want to change my mind ”, sentence.
