Riot to add ‘non-mythical league items to fill some gaps’, including anti-diving enchanter and anti-split tank items

While Riot devs the League of Legends item system this year, they are not finished yet.

Game director Andrei “Meddler” from Roon discussed the state of the game in today’s “lol pls” video, focusing on the new article system that made its debut in season 11. in some gaps. ”

Some examples of this are an Enchanter item that we try to be good against diving or anti-wear heavy teams or a tank item aimed at counteracting split divers, even if you are not yourself. ‘ ‘not a splitpushing champion, or being able to be a splitpushing Trynd or whatever, one-v-one, it’s still a good item to check in such situations,’ Meddler said.

While season 11 is already five spots, Riot wants to add more to the items to complement areas that may be missing. An enchanter item that is good against diving performances can help protect their AD wear if the opponents organize an attack on four players in the bot lane. And tanks that get a counter for split pushers can relieve the pressure, especially if they lose track.

The aim of the new article system was to provide more choice, diversity, balance and excitement for new and returning players. But such a large enterprise came with a few brackets.

Meddler believes that individual items may have overshadowed interesting building choices, such as Goredrinker and Sunfire Cape. Riot has already addressed some excessive outliers this season, such as cracked items, Bami’s Cinder equipment and systemic healing. And there seem to be more goals to improve the state of the game.

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