Riot Games hires for their new MMORPG

Following a Twitter leak in December, Riot Game officially announced their new MMORPG of League of Legends. However, they do it in a strange way. Riot Games has a new website to hire a multitude of different developers to help them create this massive task of creating an MMORPG. Here’s a look at the potential jobs that fans and developers can work for. Check out the official website here.

[Related: League of Legends MMORPG Confirmed by Riot Games]

Although they do not necessarily have specific roles yet, they are looking for developers with experience in MMOs. Here are the different areas they are looking at.

  • Game Engineering
  • Game design
  • UX Design
  • Performing Arts (all Sup-disciplines)
  • Game production

As previously stated, this is the first time that Riot Games has officially confirmed the MMORPG. This is undoubtedly a big deal, as fans of League of Legends have wanted it for a long time.

Now that the League of Legends MMORPG has been confirmed, it will be interesting to see what details will appear about what is likely to be a lengthy development process. Given what Riot Games is up to, it seems unlikely that this new game will be coming soon. Since it can take up to a decade of MMORPGs, fans should expect absolutely nothing for a while.

That said, because they know Riot Games, they always work on things well before they are announced. While it is not good to contain leaks, even the Twitter leak from Ghostcrawler feels completely intentional. It is possible that they are just starting to increase production, but that the story and ideas are already solidified.

Either way, it’s a game many fans have long dreamed of. The world of League of Legends is very extensive and was one that many believe could be an MMORPG in the future. It is safe to say that the expectations for the final product are likely to be quite high. It’s not so much about the fans, but what Riot Games puts on itself.

Speaking of which, after 10 years of making just League of Legends and really expanding. Riot Games now has a multitude of different games and more on the way. The excitement for the MMORPG league will be huge and fans will hopefully get a better picture in the coming years.

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