Rihanna gets the LENCERA coming and is preparing for San Valentn: VIDEO

Without hesitation, one of the most beautiful and reconciling women in the body musical the international level is Rihanna, which shines through the world spectacle since starting his career in 2003, when does one audicin for the producer musical Evan Rogers.

Ahora, la famous cantante contina creciendo y evolving inside the industry, so he decided to take a new look at his life: ser empresaria de lens.

It’s so that for nadie surprising that now the famous is the model for the time to promote his work, for what the famous woman has published a video to promote its brand of lens ‘Savage x Fenthy’.

Followed by his Instagram personal account, which the interpretation of “Diamond” ha protagonizado un baile candente que ya se ha hecho viral que en social networks.

Sensual video

The video enloqueci to Rihanna’s fantasies about what she’s talking about lens perreando, y con tan slo unos momentos de baile, sus millons de seguidores en Twitter en Instagram a los pokos minutos compartieron el vdeo, por lo que rpidamente se viraliz en incendi las reasons.

In the same post, the song “Cupido kan NEVA! (Cupido nunca podra)”, donde adems hizo uso del hashtag #ValentinesDayCountdown, promoting its launch San Valentn.
