Right or False? Ibrahimovic surprises with his new look and revives social speeches – Diez

Luego de la dolorosa derrota del Milan ante el Atalanta, el delantero Zlatan Ibrahimovic has surprested this domingo in social speeches to publish a photo suya on what appears with a new and surprising look.

The team has changed its mind since advancing its career. Empezó en el Ajax with the short cut, quizá the most sencillo of todos and posteriorment was to start his long cable. A look that marked his stage with the Inter y Barcelona, y luego en el Milan y af LA Galaxy.

For the last few years, Ibra has been posting for the first time, but he should try new things and share his demo on his Instagram account. The ariete of 39 years appears rapidly.

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Hasta the moment is discussed and verdad the judge decides to pass the cero or simply is a brome that wants to play to his millions of followers. The first is that it is the first time that we take a picture of the room without cable and confirm it in the nearest part of Milan.

Cabe record that the rossoneros are miden al Inter, on March, for the finals of the Italian Cup. If in reality Ibrahimovic has the fast cabeza, entonces veremos si este surprendente look le trae buena suerte.

Ibrahimovic’s photo that goes viral
