Ricky Martin’s Exnovia has his relationship with the singer

(CRHoy.com) Rebecca de Alba and Ricky Martin conform to one of the most mediating couples of the show during many years, until you decide to take separate chambers and announce your homosexuality.

Many more despised, the mexican decision to open his heart and reveal some details of this romance which captures titles and that for it means one of the most phased stages of its life.

During an interview with presenter Yordi Rosado, De Alba said she y Ricky is a super lover and is especially important.

“When simply to entice me very well, everything, do not have to do anything to be happy with your partner. There are no tees that start questioning things, nor tecoco checandolo, vigilando that hace, and more being the person that is and is in this moment era. It’s only that she’s married to the family. I love the person, his anxiety, his intelligence, he is very much in touch with his emotions ”, he said.

Rebecca and Ricky estuvieron a point de casarse, pero finally no se dio. About the artist’s homosexuality, the conductor signaled that she knew so much before that she revealed it.

“When it comes to being and being gay, para mí no fue ninguna sorpresa. Yo ya lo sabía. And what do you think about it, and what about it? And what is the result of being enamored with a person who has other sexual preferences, because he feels and respects them? “And what if a person is gay, if the pen is worth it, what is high, what is it, what is it, the value of his life”, added.

Following the 54-year-old model, she has also been accused of homosexuality because her ex publicly hates her sexual preference.

“Mucha gente dijo: ‘Clearly, like she’s gay, she’s sure she’s too. Y yo decía, pero si no es gripe … No se pega. Specifications are speculative and we say that as far as I am concerned, that he is gay, that we are both and that we are mutually exclusive. It is imperative to mention the amount of payments that are being made, ”he said.
