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Authorize a KUARZO ARGENTINA SA y / o NET TV SA, in addition to “LAS PRODUCTORAS” and its respective cases matrices, affiliates, subsidiaries, concessionaires, successors and teachers to make use of my presence for any Television Program (the “Program”) and in connection with Kuarzo Argentina SA and / or NET TV SA u otros.


1. Authorized express, unlawful and unconditional in the transmission, retransmission, reproduction or publication of the Materials in all and any means of inclusive communication, without any limitation.

2. Grabs are taken and photographs are taken of my person, grabs my voice, conversations, dichos, hechos and sonidos, during and in connection with my participation in the Program (in advance, the “Materials”), without deban pagarme compensation alguna. Authorize LAS PRODUCTORAS y / o al Canal to exhibit, reproduce or publish in any form such photographs, filming and / or grabations in any and all communication media, including in the promotions of the Program and performance conform to what is public my name. In effect, I express my consent to be filmed, grabbed and / or photographed and for the resulting films, grabs and images to be exhibited, reproduced or published by LAS PRODUCTORAS y / o el Canal.

3. Acceptance that THE PRODUCERS and / or the Canal will be the exclusive dues of the results and claims of the Materials with the right to the register of intellectual property, the use and obtaining of permits for us to use, in any form and by any means medio. Consequently, express, unauthorized and unconditional authority to transmit, retransmit, reproduce or publish any Materials in any way and by any means including communication, without limitation, air conditioning services, air conditioning, antenna, antenna , Internet (including, without limitation, “streaming”, downloads (“downloads”), “webcasting”, and video “on demand”) and mobile services and / (including, without limitation, “streaming”, downloads (” downloads ”),“ podcasting ”in“ draadlose media ”), in its entirety or in one portion, with any finality, without time limit and without restriction of authorization limited to the Republic of Argentina and without obligation LAS PRODUCTORAS y / o el Canal realizes no additional payment type.

Keep strict confidentiality around all information that Uds. pongan in my knowledge that I have some type of relationship with the Program. No shared information with third parties. I am obliged to carry out all the necessary reasons and adopt all the means of communication to ensure that the information received is not used by third parties, revealed or disclosed, in whole or in part. Do not use the information for another proposal to participate in the Program. I accept and understand that the compliance on my part with the foregoing description will have consequences that are very serious for Uds. and that, for the sake of it, should indemnify for the days and blessings that violate the occasion. For the sake of completeness I have the right to inspect or approve my presentation or the users of which presentation takes place. Asimismo, acuerdo not present any advertisement of any natural in absolute contra nadie in relation to the possession of the permit granted for the present.
