Ricardo La Volpe: Chivas’ technician will be detained in case of podiatrist

Inform proceeds of communication media signaling that a federal order would revoke the car of freedom in favor of Ricardo La Volpe for it responds to the accusations by acosia and host on the part of Alma Belén Coronado, who in 2014 worked as a podiatrist for Chivas.

In those cases, the Argentine era for the second time — disputed a fugitive in the 1989-90 campaign — Timonel del Rebaño Sagrado. The only thing that ensures that La Volpe is presented alone with a whole lot and has bad things to say about it, which provoked the accusation of “inappropriate conduct” and the intermediary despot of Argentina.

The scandal derives from claims between the club rojiblanco and the technique that will break the relationship between them. Have a private lock for powder to be able to direct.

After several years, the case has been revised several times. On both occasions the Supreme Court of Jalisco ruled that there were no elements to validate the case; ahora, the Juzgado Cuarto de Distrito de Amparo en Materia Penal has revoked the car of libertad, what obliges La Volpe to present and respond to the accusations.

