Ricardo Crespo blames his wife for abuse

The polemic notices that it has edited the number of Ricardo Crespo sigue en pie pues hace unos días se reveló las amenazas que el actor le decía a su hija para que ella no hablara ni le dijera a nadie tod los los abosos qué le hacía.

At the age of 14 years it has not been able to mumble and disrupt the silence in social speeches, it has decided to take up the subject of pidiéndole and all the people who will show respect and prudence have a delicate theme, ensuring that it is held in an emission process donde aún no asimila las cosas.

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In accordance with the time of the investigations he demonstrated other points against the actor haciendo aún del delicado y fuerte el caso en qué presuntamente actor de 45 años de edad se atrevió a abusar sexually of su propia hija de hace 9 años.

Thank you for all these investigations, have read the conclusions and apologize to those who model defends, he assures that the culpa is not alone is his puy in his statements Crespo make sure you hija was the culprit for accusing him of sexual abuse.

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Ante is this case of miles of celebrities and actor Ricardo Crespo’s, but in this case the singer Kalimba who was also accused of sexual abuse in 2011, made sure that he could not incline any of the offensive acts that he was not sleeping nada no le puede creer a nadie.

“Yo no me voy a meter ahorita a decir ‘bueno, pobrecito porque es horrible’, no sé si pobrecito porque no sé si lo hizo, tampoco puedo decir ‘pobrecita ella’, no sé si pobrecita porque no sé si mentira, nee can you incline the balance hacia ningún lugar, the only thing that I correspond to say is ‘deseo que salga la verdad, deseo que ambos después de esto encuentren paz y estén bien fuertes’ ”dijo.

But the ex-integrator of OV7 is very clear that the only thing he wants is that he is disappointed, Ricardo Crespo and his wife find tranquility and that with the world they can do justice to what in this case Ricardo Crespo due to the physical and psychological day that he had at his age of 14 years.

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Lamentably this case has been one of the most powerful things with the simple hecho of sexually abusing against your own property is a very delicate topic and more so that only the statements are known to me at least 9 years abusing her.

But the one that has caused the most indignation of the company is that it is the integrative of Garibaldi le eche la culpa a su hija, cuando ella con 5 años de edad que pudo haber hecho para su su papá abusar de ella.

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