Ricardo Armendáriz, Carlos Sevilla and Carlos Torres Garcés do not agree on the three first Emelec sheets by 2021 | National Championship | Deport

Ángel Gracia Toral is Emelec’s new hopeful of hallar, three fractions in the intention, a point scorer who can succeed veteran Óscar Bagüí. The zaguero nacido en Pedernales, hace 31 años, dejó al Guayaquil City para unirse officiale desde ayer a la eluctradra.

In the final decision of the second stage of the 2020 Bagüí tournament — which will take place 38 years from the 10th of December in the previous year — the extra time for cargo cutting will take place from the key kick in the 2013, 2014, 2015 trio championship and the corona del 2017. Ni José Hernández ni Jackson Rodríguez brindaron seguridad en ese sector; as well as the successor of Bagüí, Ronaldo Johnson, of technical level, in 2018 and 2019. Now is the turn of Gracia, who is one of Bryan Sánchez and Alejendro Cabeza as the first contractors for 2021. ¿Qué opina Ricardo Armendáriz of this third?

Ni Ni Cabezas, Sánchez y Gracia son category photos. El primero no se pudo consolidar af Aucas, solo hizo tres goles. Sanchez also lucas of Aucas, a small team. And Gracia will play offensively, is an extraordinary cobrador of free throws, but he is not good on defense. It’s slow. No son of players like Janner Corozo or Fernando Gaibor. It’s an Emelec push to make it work, ”said the 1979 millionaire champion, as it turns out.

La misma consulta le hizo EL UNIVERSO ayer a Carlos Sevilla, DT que ganó con los azules el titulo de 2001. Fue escueto, pero “directo”, com el élijo: “El problema que veo en Emelec es que dejo a un lado la parte formative. How many players did he play last and did he win? When he joins the club, with Omar Quintana, he has a plan to work with the formative divisions and start to choose the chicas that are detached. Asi fueron promotes new elements. Now Emelec is converting into a buyer and seller team. If he loses another ”.

And this is Carlos Torres Garcés, champion as a player (1979) and as DT (1994). “Deben contracts players with base on what Emelec always says: buen toque de balon. Seben searches for items with profiles like the ones Kléber Fajardo, Iván Hurtado, Augusto Poroso, Enrique Verduga, Ángel Fernández, Iván Kaviedes; and extras like Carlos Juárez and Ariel Graziani, who will play. It is a vision to create elements that are accessible and that allow a game to be played “, affirma Palillo.

“In the last few seasons at Emelec, there have been other big clubs, they have been costing heavily in their formative divisions. Salen fichar jugadores que tuvieron chispazos de una temporada en pequeños, pero cuando llegan a equipos grande un despuntan porque la exigencia es otra ”.

Agregó: “A Cabeza, Sánchez y Gracia les aconsejo se se adapten pronto, que asuman la responsibility to be judging in Emelec”.

En tanto, el Bocha signal: “A double like the Barcelona-Cabeza Facility does not compare with the Juárez-Graziani, it has a tremendous difference. It is said that Roberto Ordóñez, who lived in the open space of Barcelona; Cabeza is not superior to the Tuka”.

And remató: “A punter like Lass Bangoura is not at the height of Angel ‘Cuchillo’ Hernández. Emelec’s henchman is an elegant game and these three refuses to stand on the altar of antecedents ”. (D)
