Rey Grupero ampla su DENUNCIA contra Alfredo Adame: “Yo no golpeo ancianos” | VIDEO

El Rey Grupero make a new controversy with Alfredo Adame luego de que el youtuber receive receipts from the actor, when the Rey, confirms that a citizen uses substances that provoke a deformity in the rostrum and body to be injected into the body of the women, thus, Adame sends a message to retire from dichas accusations.

This situation generates a series of accusations by both parties, in which Luis Alberto Ordaz, better known as Rey Grupero, afirma haber sido vctima de llamadas de acoso y extorsin par parte de Adame, por lo que interpusa una denuncia en la que responsabliza directamenta a Alfredo Adame y al mdico acusado si algo le llegara a suceder y rualquier ataque contra su integridad fsica.

In interview for various portal and mediums of communication, el influencer share a series of statements in which breaths numerous expressions and various insults against now candidate, also make sure you know your address and the delegate to amplify it denunciation.y continue with the legal process in return.

Verklaring que cualquier cosas que le sucediera “que se carguen a Alfredo Adame“questioning about the conductor and contracting people for the golfer, the same answer” Pin … old pay, middelmatig, fracasado, misgino “, asserting that nadie lo quiere en ninguna televisora ​​ni su propia family, aadi tambin que l no lo va a golpear ya que “yo no golpeo ancianos”.

It is embarrassing, a great detail that many agree with polemics and morbo that during the Ordaz statements, it is found together with, the famous and popular ghost house of Mexico, Carlos Trejo, with whom also Alfredo Adame ha tenido problems, dimes y diretes, haciendo ms grande el “show” de su historia de enemistad, a la que suma ahora el Rey Grupero.

Llagando a ser objet de burlas y memes en las redes sociales, la eterna pelea contra Alfredo Adame y Carlos Trejo ha derivative that ste ltimo hasta desearra la muerte luego de que Adame diera positivo a Covid-19 and she also burles down when Adame applied for a job Tlalpan, assuring that it is a “reverend jalada, is a burla to Mexican politics” afirm that this type of party slo buscan this type of “basuras” to continue with a corrupt system.

Dice que dicho que las amistades ms fuertes comienzan con un enemigo en comn, y tal parece que adems de compartir el gusto por los sombreros texanos, vergle el “odio” kontra Adame and he formed an alliance that gives much of what hablar ya qie planean su venganza contra quin, supuestamente los ha ha defamado, Trejo afirma que cuando se enter de lo sucedido con el Rey Grupero, le dijo ‘A partir de este momento eres mi mejor amigo ‘.

Adems of which he formed a group of the social network of messenger ms popular, WhatsApp of “Los enemigos del Adame” in which he formed a group in dnde llevan poks ms of 17 people miembros son “chulada, pura banda lo lo detesta”, agreg el Rey Grupero.

With information from Sale el sol

