‘Revolution of riches without solidarity’, Valdano respects the Superliga

Mexico City /

Jorge Valdano give his opinion respect to the Europa League que fue annunciada este domingo y que ha provoked revival in all the football world. The exjugador califó como una war between clubs and UEFA the moment he lives and grows that takes a long time to read the chords he devotes to the relationship.

European football is agitated in these days, a revolution of rich clubs has completely changed the scenario in which football moves. We are in a prime chapter of a litigation that will surely be long. Some kind of terminating agreement is clear that it is time to have a war and alcancen convivir en paz, we are very tired at the moment, but this is a prime chapter “, dijo en una videocolumna for Azteca Deportes.

Including, Valdano recorded the moment in which football passes to be professional and will be disrupted in the atmosphere of a traditionalist football.

Our missing information for the analysis, it’s an absolute queer with respect for the great traditions of football, we are in a serious process like the steps of amateurism to professionalism, hay un antes y un después si la Superliga sigue adelante “.

Asimismo, the reconnaissance eccentric signal that currently the world needs of solidarity actions before the crisis that enforces society with the coronavirus pandemic, but the Superliga dista mucho serlo y de traer un well common for the balloon.

It is a project that traits the idea of ​​a united Europe and llega in a bad moment. Large teams states that this economic crisis necessitates creative ideas that permits mantenerse arriba of the ola economics of football, but we are at a time when advertising solidarity in the world of football as in all society and this is a project with many ways of being in solidarity, meaning that it stands obliged to sign and meet (clubs and UEFA) to negotiate“.
