Review to repay customers $ 94.5 million for rates helped by Mohammed Nuru

San Franciscans will recover nearly $ 100 million in overpaid garbage disposal fees after an investigation by the city attorney’s office set out how waste manager Recology has incorrectly increased its prices over the past four years, city attorney Dennis Herrera said Thursday.

The settlement between the city and Recology is the latest twist in the city hall’s extensive corruption saga, focusing on former director of public works Mohammed Nuru, other city officials, contractors and non-profit groups.

Nuru has played a key role in the rate-setting process for Recology. According to the results of Herrera’s investigation and a separate federal investigation, Nuru accepted bribes from Recology in exchange for the company being able to increase its rates. A former Recology manager was fired in November and arrested in light of the allegations.

Officials said that in addition to the alleged bribes, Recology did not account for the revenue it would receive from taxpayers when applying for a tariff increase in 2017. According to officials, these underreported funds amounted to a rate increase of 14% instead of the 7% Recology should have received.

In a statement, Recology officials described the congestion as an unintentional mistake, saying they immediately reported it to the city attorney’s office.
