Revelan videos of DEA and Geovanny Fuentes interviewing

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- The video of the interview that the hizo is an agent of the Drug Control Administration (DEA, by its seals in English) on the occasion of drug trafficking dog Geovanny Fuentes through his arrest in Miami, United States, was released this March.

In the material presented by the Fiscalía in the New York Court, Fuentes accepts that it is related to “Los Cachiros”, which is highly tested in its contra.

OF INTERESTS: Summary of the proceedings of the octave of the trial of Geovanny Fuentes

The taxpayer’s agent told “Los Cachiros” to Geovanny that he had, but no one was negotiating with them.

“Los conocí … los vi alguna vez en alguna fiesta. Conocí a los dos (Devis Leonel, Javier Eriberto Rivera Maradiaga) ya otro de sus hermanos: se llama Isidro”, contó Fuentes.

The Honduran says that you have conversations with them, “but we, we will not have any type of negotiations of any kind with them. You have the ten aca, you can ask”.

+Narcotraficant que salpican en Juan Orlando Hernández con sus declarariones (FOTOS)

Luego, the agent of the DEA the question is known to the company “Granaderos Nacionales” and the present capo maifesto that is and that was the empress Fuad Jarufe, with whom he worked when he opened a job.

The revelations show the cape on the day he was arrested at the Miami airport in early 2020.

Estos’ videos of the interview:

Geovanny Fuentes: “You know the Cachiros, but we have two negotiations”

Geovanny Fuentes: “I had a fight with a hen of them (Los Cachiros) in the EU”
