Revelan to the actress who accompanies Fernando Colunga in Malverde

Filter pictures of Fernando Colunga like Jesús Juárez Mazo, better known as ‘Malverde‘para la series to prepare Telemundo about health, now he knows how to know the number of actresses who will be protagonizing the series together with him.

Although Telemundo kept it secretly, it circulated information that Ariadne Díaz series the chosen actress to protagonize ‘Malverde, El Santo Patrón‘together with Colunga.

“I’m a very guarded man who is the protagonist of ‘Malverde, the Santo Patrón’ … Ariadne Díaz will play the role in the series”, indicó Alex Kaffie in its column of a national circulation diary.

fernando colunga ariadne díaz malverde telemundo

This project represents the regreso de Fernando Colunga on television and record that Ariadne Díaz protagonizes the telenovela ‘¿Qué le Pasa a mi Familia?’ of Juan Osorio and song to be confirmed, at the end of the day without the protagonist, you can decide not to participate in the project.

fernando colunga ariadne díaz malverde telemundo

Cabe mentions that they will be revealed images de Characterized by Fernando Colunga like the famous character que luce con bigote, una cicatriz en la ceja.

In the video in which his characterization can be listened to decision actor: “My name is Fernando Colunga and I am preparing for one of the most important characters in my career. Santo de mucha gente buena y gente mala también, pero así somos sanantos ¿no? We do it all, for good or for bad”.
