Revelan the motive for the Fernando Colunga salio de Malverde El Santo Patrón

Great revelation has caused the salient repentina of Fernando Colunga of the Telemundo series, ‘Malverde, El Santo Patrón ‘, can the institute’s grabs start to comment and you will have a solid promotional image of the project in which it takes the stage to the actor characterized like the famous character.

Tras esta noticia, ni Telemundo ni Fernando Colunga aclararon el reason for his health, for which the speculations comenzaron to surgir.

Without embarrassment, Alex Kaffie traversed his column in a national circulation diary, which dio to know the reasons for those the actor is happy with the ambitious project.

malverde el santo patron sleeper Fernando colunga renuncia

Según indicates, “People who occupy important places in Telemundo”, the informant that the motive by the actor Fernando Colunga renunciation, fue porque his mother, doña Margarita Olivares, is sick.

For this reason, Fernando Habria decided to retire from the series to become a lad of work and dedicate yourself to help your mom, although the precincts of the senora are known.

Here are the first images that are filtered:

“Telemundo has taken one creative decision to work with Fernando Colunga in other Future projects, because it will not form part of the elenco estelar of ‘Malverde’. We are amazed that Fernando sees part of the Telemundo family, y yaa estamos desarrollando new projects in conjunction with the finals of this year ”, fue lo that dijo Telemundo ante la repentina salida del actor hace unos días que se dio a conocer que había quedado fuera del project.

malverde el santo patrons trailer Fernando colunga renuncia
