Revelan the first images of Pedro Fernandez as Malverde

Although Fernando Colunga have the right to interpret ‘Malverde’ in the new superserie by Telemundo ‘Malverde: El Santo Patrón’, the audience gathered when it was announced that Colunga had decided to withdraw from the project, by which he was looking for a replacement for the protagonist paper of history.

I was afraid that Pedro Fernández replaces Fernando Colunga with the fact that this is the last time he grabbed some promotions and could be seen as Lucia like ‘Santo Patrón’.

Ahora, tras unos atropellados days of grabs debido a un Covid-19 brote in production, there will be contagious actresses like Ivonne Montero and Isabella Castillo; if you want to know them primary images of the series by Pedro Fernández interpreting ‘Malverde’.

These are the first images of Pedro Fernández as ‘Malverde’:

Through Instagram, the official account of the Telemundo series published a video in what can be seen undercoat adelanto of what the people can see in ‘Malverde: El Santo Patrón’.

pedro fernández primeras imagenes malverde el santo patrón serie telemundo

In the video, it is commented that the first era super series of Telemundo is a load of the creators of ‘El Señor de los Cielos’ y ‘La Reina del Sur’, is the last time the public can know more about the character considered as a saint.

pedro fernández first images malverde el santo patrón serie telemundo

Pese al adelanto, has not revealed the estrangement of the series it can be seen that there is a line of action.

“I’m Jesus Malverde and this is my story”, is what the team decides to Pedro Fernández in the character of the protagonist of the controversy.

pedro fernández primeras imagenes malverde el santo patrón serie telemundo
