Revelan that Donald Trump was looking for ten to use a respirator while COVID-19

In the image, the President of the United States Donald Trump.  EFE / Chris Kleponis / Archive
In the image, the President of the United States Donald Trump. EFE / Chris Kleponis / Archive

The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, is about to try to use a respirator that will shut down COVID-19 this October., and his state of pregnancy was mayor of which is admitted publicly, assuraron al The New York Times fuentes conocedoras del asunto.

According to the neoorquino medium, the oxygen levels of the mandated entities are “extremely bad” at the moment, and suffers from a pulmonary problem associated with the neonium, a condition that causes the coronavirus, which is why Trump is known to people.

His prognosis was that he was preoccupied with being transferred to the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Washington, D.C. is thought to tend to empress to use a respirator.

The sources of The New York Times asseguraron además que se detected that Trump’s pulmonary infiltration pad, which sued when the pulses were inflamed and contained substances such as fluids or bacteria.

Donald Trump, a Walter Reed military hospital patient, has been very positive about the coronavirus.  CHRIS KLEPONIS / ZUMA PERS / CONTACT PHOTO
Donald Trump, a Walter Reed military hospital patient, has been very positive about the coronavirus. CHRIS KLEPONIS / ZUMA PERS / CONTACT PHOTO

Its presence, especially when the patient is exhibiting other symptoms, can be signaled by a coronavirus severity case, and can be easily detected by radiographs or scans.

Follow the medium, only the ex president’s oxygen level is sufficient to provide you with the medicines, which are 90% paid, and it is considered that the disease is only when this indicator is 95% lower.

The day he was rushed to the hospital, the 2nd of October, was informed by the media that Trump had fever and breathing problems, and the types of treatment he received indicated that he was preoccupied.

The new revelations about Trump’s state, and the important concerns of the White House to seek medication that have not been approved, despite the fact that information is currently being published, and in English occasions, say the prestigious diary, which signaled that the ex-president was resisting being hospitalized.

    Donald Trump put the mascara on the balcony of the Casa Blanca hospital bed.  REUTERS / Erin Scott / File Photo
Donald Trump put the mascara on the balcony of the Casa Blanca hospital bed. REUTERS / Erin Scott / File Photo

Sólo dio el brazo a torcer cuand sus auxiliares le dijeron que podía salir la la Casa Blanca caminando, o arriesgarse a que los Servicios Secretos de EE.UU. le llevaran a la fuerza si la enfermedad empeoraba.

Mientras estuvo ingresado en el Walter Reed, Trump’s medical team, which remains important to the gravity of the situation and aspirations that it has been majoring in, shows that the neo-York magnate, 74 years old and with sobriety (as well as the conversion into a patient of risk), establishes an aggressive treatment.

Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley,’s the rest of the importance in the situation of mandated entities on numerous occasions while he was still in office, as he was asked in October that he had evidence that the President of Sufria Neumonia was signaling that he should not be seen. “Nothing of importance”.

With EFE information


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