Revelan oscuro pasado del novio de Alejandra Guzmán

We publish some photos from around the world Alejandra Guzmán to the lad of his new novio, in the program Chisme no Like advirtieron a la rockera sober pareja, pues no era lo que parecía. And it’s between other things, make sure that the gallant of the song the mabria mentions about his nationality and that he also maintains another relationship at the same time with another woman.

But now there are some more obvious issues, and it’s the most recent issue of the program, Javier Ceriani asked Guzmán if he had investigated the history of Lance Dean, su pareja, pues han descubierto cosas que dejan mucho que desear.

The Argentine conductor signaled that in the public record of Lance appeared records of the manyos matrimonios que tuvo; breath of variety maintenance requests: “You have three strong matrimonial animals, three heifers, one of the heifers living here in Los Angeles and you have no order with your dad”, dijo.

Alejandra Guzmán y su novio

Ve: Alejandra Guzmán habría apunalado a su novio

Among his exes is Laura Sotelo, who acted and is currently being asked. In addition to all his expressions he expresses himself very badly: “Every year you get a lot of money, even if you have three women in the process of doing your job, it’s probably 99% that you’re also having problems.”, aggregate.

Chisme no Like

Finally, the Argentine commands a message on the song and the footsteps that will be very good for those who do not want to spend: “If you’re engaged to Larry Ramos, what is your promise? Habla con sus ex parare para que te expliquen realmente ”. finalized.

Also: Alejandra Guzmán has been working for the first time in her new November
