Reveal the current state of health of Eduardo Yáñez through the health of Si Nos Dejan

Una second surgery en puerta, un catheter inserted in the river y anemia son the verdaderas reasons by the que Eduardo Yáñez habría preferirdo salir de ‘Si nos dejan’, agree now that you have concocted the periodical Addis Tuñón in a live broadcast through his Instagram profile.

Con hospital documents In addition to the fact that Yáñez has attended, the periodical revealed that the project is illusory to the actor, because it is clear that salvation is due to health problems, and that includes the last few weeks sending in poor health, a result of which during the first surgery hubo complications to retire the stones of the rhinoceros.

Despite these difficulties, the doctors decided to do a second surgery while waiting for the patient to have a catheter in the lower part of the esophagus, explained the periodical to increase the presence of anemia that would affect the actor.

Eduardo Yáñez holds a crucified catheter, hopes for a rhinoceros surgery

The 26th enters the hospital for the concept of pedigrees in the river, (the document) the preoperative treatment and postoperative treatment, and writes about the hospital account which ascends to more than 8 mil dollars (161 mil pesos) ”, explicit. “This document is the result of song exams and if there is an obvious deficiency of leukocytes, there is anemia”.

Agreeing with the same medical documents, postoperative requirements that the telecommunications actor filed for ‘Distilando amor’ and ‘Fuego en la sangre’, including the someterse to physical possessions, do not deliver objects with a 3 kilogram weight ni someterse a episodes of dehydration.

Eduardo Yáñez and his sister reveled in documents

Pese a ello, hasta jueves 11 februari el actor aún estuvo dentro del project, ensayó por ein period de dos semanas en conditions under poco optimim y de hecho une steau stuvo criticizing como lucía su rostro, in reality staba retaining liquids , since his renal system was altered.

Cabe records that at the moment, the 60-year-old story, too, has already clarified the reasons for his salute to his official Instagram account; revealed the poorest time of the day for the ride, because you consulted with your trusted doctor opting to say goodbye to the project and be professional.
