Results of the autopsy of Diego Maradona – Telemundo Nueva Inglaterra

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – The toxicological information carried out in the wake of Diego Maradona’s death investigation reveals the martyrs who have no alcohol or illicit drugs in the body of the astro-footballer, except for the presence of various medicines to treat physical health and mentally, inform this martes fuentes juridicas.

The Fiscalía General de San Isidro, encragada de la causa que busca determinar si hubo algun tipo de mal praxis en torno a la salud del idolino idolino, que faleció el 25 novembre pasade par un paro cardiorrespiratorio, difundió un comunicado tras reibos la studies and histopathologists of the corpse.

Specifically, the sample of analyzed song and recorded in the legal chemical information that in the body of “El 10” has presence of levetiracetam (anticonvulsant drug) and desmetilvenlafaxine (antidepressant).

Assimilation, in the urine is also detected venlafaxine (antidepressant), quetiapine (antipsychotic), naltrexoma (which serves treatment for drug or alcohol dependence) and metoclopramide, used to treat nasal congestion.

In another analysis, we also found the presence of ranitidina, used to treat stomach problems.

According to the histopathological team, the signal informs that Maradona suffers from hepatic cirrhosis, tubular necrosis associated with chronic renal pathology, myocardiofibrosis, subendocardial fibrosis and other areas of acute ischemia, as well as pulmonary reaction.

The Italian singer criticized the extensive coverage that received the death of the Argentine footballer.

Also the presence of siderophagus that “can be compatible with cardiac insufficiency”.

Inflammation of focal glomeruloesclerosis, atherosclerosis, ischemic cardiopathy and arterial hyperplasia in the sinusoidal nodule.

Maradona failed 60 years ago at the home of the province of Buenos Aires in which he recovered from an operation by a cerebral hematoma performed on November principles, among other cases, and the failure to initiate an investigation into treatment.

In the morning, the Argentine judiciary initiated an investigation that has not yet been formally prosecuted or detained, although several records and incidents have been carried out on the property of neurophooter Leopold Luque, who attended Maradona and took part in an intervention. , and his psychiatrist, Agustina Cosachov.

Also, the apartment where Maximiliano Trimarchi lives, who works as a driver of the ex-football player and is on his mobile phone.
