Researchers look at Platypus DNA again, and Yup, still weird

A duckbill duckling animal.

A duckbill duckling animal.
Photo: Martin Pelanek (Shutterstock)

Waddling, writhing, ambling, digging, laying eggs. There is no shortage of words when it comes to describing monotremata – the taxonomic order consisting of only two animals, the platypus and the echidna. Rattling the numerous strange characteristics of these creatures are trope in news coverage – and it’s almost impossible to avoid, as it’s mammals that lay eggs and sweat milk bizarre features.

But perhaps the easiest way to point out the amazing evolutionary success of the monotreme is to go right into their DNA. A team of 40 researchers from Australia, China, Japan, Denmark and the United States have just done so in a recent review of the genomes of monotreme. Their findings are published in the journal Nature.

An Echidna climbs on a camera in Australia.

An Echidna climbs on a camera in Australia.
Photo: Associated Press (AP)

The first draft and analysis of the platypus genome sequence took place back in 2008. The recent article contains a highquality update of the sequence and the very first echidna genome (for some reason, which is echidna always second violin to the platypus). Interestingly, monotreme lies halfway between oviparity and viviparity – referring to where embryos develop, in eggs or in the parental body. This non-here-or-there activity is reflected in the animals’ protein dependence.

“During their brief egg incubation, they retained one of the three major egg proteins used to make the egg yolk in chickens,” Marilyn Renfree, a zoologist at the University of Melbourne and co-author of the study, said in a press release, “but after they hatched, both platypus and echidna have a complex milk like other mammals to support their young during their long lactation. “

The monotreme is a peculiar branch of the tree of life, in that they help fill gaps in our understanding of when animals with certain characteristics separate from each other.

‘Indeed, the is the Mammalia class. But genetically it is a mixture of mammals, birds and reptiles, ‘said Guojie Zhang, a biologist at the University of Copenhagen and co-author of the recent study, in a press release. “It has retained many of the original features of its ancestors – which probably contributes to its success in adapting to the environment in which they live.”

And the animals need that extra boost. Australian brush fires broke out last year attempts to locate the platypus more difficult, and all the more necessary. (One population was rescued and sent back into nature this summer.) With the successive echidna genome, genetic management of a similarly endangered species may be possible. After all, we can not let our illustrious foreign insects walk the path of the thylacine and the dodo.
