Rescatan to abandoned hermanitos on the Mexican front by road user | Univision Immigration News

A 6-year-old girl and her husband of 5 were restrained from these months by officers of the Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection (CBP) in a pink zone of the frontier between California and Mexico, communicated.

Hecho ocurrió the moon approximately at 3 pm, California local time, when the CBP agents went to a man and a woman walking with the little ones of the man in the zone of Jacumba, California.

In this area the metallic wall in the front is interrupted by large rocks and the loading of a mountain. The traffickers dejaron to the nines in the rocks and salaried hayendo hacia mexican territory, details the communicado of CBP.

Officials read to the area and read to the little ones, “Solos y llorando”, according to the communication. Minors can not communicate with agents, except for their numbers.

The nine were transported to a nearby station by the Frontier Patrol to be waited on and prosecuted. At the station, the minors will propose to the agents a written note mano with the number and telephone number of their mother. The hermanos también tenían the number and the phone number of his mother wrote in the antebrazo.

The agents will be contacted in contact with the mother and the powder will receive additional information about the children, who will be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS, by its English seals).

“It’s inconceivable that some leave these little ones and those in charge of traffic acts as they will be aggressively pursuing them,” said San Diego CBP chief Aaron Heitke. “Afortunadamente, nuestros agentes pudieron rescatar rafidamente a estos hermanos”.

Massive increase in unaccompanied minors

The administration of President Joe Biden is finding an avalanche of unaccompanied minors. According to recent data, there are 4,231 children in the CBP custodian and 15,193 in the HHS community.

This is the last report of the hermanitos since a week later that a CBP video has been revealed in which a man is being cared for with two nine-year-old origins, from the height of the front wall que mide 14 pies de altura (4.2 metro’s). Las fueron rescatadas por agents fronterizos. The Consulate of Ecuador in Houston informed that hermanas han hablado ya con sus padres.

The number of immigrants without papers in the EU has increased significantly in the last months, more than 100,000 intend to go to the country on the frontier in February and 171,000 in March, the mayor figures in 15 years. From them, unos 18,000 eran menores de edad.

